----- Reading the file header ----- FWS File version 3 File size 27187 Movie width 630 Movie height 360 Frame rate 12 Frame count 171 ----- Reading movie details ----- <----- dumping frame 0 file offset 0x0015 -----> tagSetBackgroundColor RGB_HEX ffffff tagProtect tagDefineShape tagid 1 Number of fill styles 8 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffcccccc Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffff0c8 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffcc66 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (305.25,-169.05) FillStyle1: 6 (4 bits) hlineto: (-192.8,-169.05). curveto: (-195.65,-174.2)(-199.4,-178.95) hlineto: (305.25,-178.95). vlineto: (305.25,-169.05). moveto: (305.3,-169.05) FillStyle0: 2 (4 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) hlineto: (314.35,-169.05). vlineto: (314.35,-179). hlineto: (305.3,-179). vlineto: (305.3,-169.05). moveto: (305.2,181.05) hlineto: (314.4,181.05). vlineto: (314.4,-133.8). hlineto: (305.2,-133.8). FillStyle1: 6 (4 bits) vlineto: (305.2,181.05). FillStyle0: 0 (4 bits) hlineto: (257.25,181.05). lineto: (257.35,-133.8). hlineto: (305.2,-133.8). moveto: (314.35,-146.85) FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) hlineto: (-184.8,-146.85). curveto: (-185.85,-152.3)(-187.6,-157.45) lineto: (314.45,-157.35). lineto: (314.35,-146.85). moveto: (215.4,-133.85) FillStyle0: 8 (4 bits) hlineto: (215.35,-133.85). vlineto: (215.35,-130.95). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,-29). FillStyle1: 1 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,-26.95). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,0.95). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,3). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,30.95). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,33.05). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,60.95). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,63.05). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,90.95). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,93.05). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,121). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,123.1). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,136). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,138.05). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,150.95). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,153.05). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,166). FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,168.1). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.35,181.05). hlineto: (231.1,181.05). FillStyle1: 7 (4 bits) vlineto: (231.1,-133.8). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (231.1,-133.85). hlineto: (215.4,-133.85). FillStyle0: 5 (4 bits) vlineto: (215.4,-133.95). hlineto: (-183.45,-133.95). vlineto: (-183.45,-132.4). lineto: (-182.75,-131.1). lineto: (215.35,-130.95). moveto: (215.35,-26.95) FillStyle0: 0 (4 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (4 bits) hlineto: (214.25,-26.95). vlineto: (214.25,-29). hlineto: (215.35,-29). moveto: (231.1,-133.8) FillStyle1: 7 (4 bits) hlineto: (257.2,-133.8). vlineto: (257.2,181.05). hlineto: (231.1,181.05). moveto: (215.35,3) FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) hlineto: (202.15,3). vlineto: (202.15,0.95). hlineto: (215.35,0.95). moveto: (215.35,33.05) hlineto: (193.25,33.05). vlineto: (193.25,30.95). hlineto: (215.35,30.95). moveto: (215.35,63.05) hlineto: (178.15,63.05). lineto: (180.05,60.95). hlineto: (215.35,60.95). moveto: (215.35,93.05) hlineto: (160.15,93.05). lineto: (161.3,90.95). hlineto: (215.35,90.95). moveto: (-6.25,154.9) FillStyle0: 4 (4 bits) lineto: (3.45,153.65). lineto: (1.35,154.1). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) curveto: (11.45,152.3)(-3.95,154.55) lineto: (-6.25,154.9). FillStyle0: 5 (4 bits) lineto: (-7.05,155). lineto: (-21.8,156.9). lineto: (-25.35,157.35). FillStyle1: 7 (4 bits) lineto: (-34.55,158.55). FillStyle1: 3 (4 bits) lineto: (-4.3,154.9). curveto: (-28,159.5)(-50.45,160.85) FillStyle1: 6 (4 bits) lineto: (-77.5,164.25). lineto: (-138.7,168.5). curveto: (-232.25,172.95)(-315.9,163.55) FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) vlineto: (-315.9,171.15). curveto: (-201.25,182.6)(-84.2,168.1) hlineto: (215.35,168.1). moveto: (215.35,153.05) FillStyle0: 0 (4 bits) FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) hlineto: (9.45,153.05). lineto: (23.25,150.95). hlineto: (215.35,150.95). moveto: (215.35,123.1) hlineto: (129.75,123.1). lineto: (133.15,121). hlineto: (215.35,121). moveto: (215.35,138.05) hlineto: (81.9,138.05). lineto: (88.05,136). hlineto: (215.35,136). moveto: (-315.9,59.9) FillStyle0: 8 (4 bits) FillStyle1: 7 (4 bits) curveto: (-228.5,152.6)(-97.5,159.8) lineto: (-104.15,159). FillStyle1: 0 (4 bits) curveto: (-234.25,141.65)(-316.25,-3.5) vlineto: (-316.25,59.5). lineto: (-315.9,59.9). FillStyle0: 7 (4 bits) lineto: (-315.95,156.85). FillStyle1: 6 (4 bits) curveto: (-238.75,171.2)(-67.75,161.35) FillStyle1: 3 (4 bits) lineto: (-97.5,159.8). curveto: (-67.2,161.45)(-34.55,158.55) moveto: (-104.15,159) FillStyle0: 0 (4 bits) FillStyle1: 7 (4 bits) lineto: (-97.15,159.45). curveto: (-62.8,161.3)(-25.35,157.35) moveto: (-50.45,160.85) FillStyle0: 6 (4 bits) FillStyle1: 3 (4 bits) lineto: (-67.75,161.35). moveto: (-315.9,163.55) FillStyle0: 0 (4 bits) FillStyle1: 6 (4 bits) lineto: (-315.95,156.85). moveto: (1.35,154.1) FillStyle1: 5 (4 bits) curveto: (-33.55,161.2)(-68.25,166) hlineto: (215.35,166). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 2 tag 1 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [317.350 179.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 3 tag 1 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [315.850 179.000] tagDefineShape tagid 2 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 0 moveto: (60.25,30.15) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (60.25,81.65). curveto: (60.25,94.15)(51.45,102.95) curveto: (46.2,108.2)(39.65,110.35) curveto: (36.05,111.5)(32.1,111.75) vlineto: (32.1,0.05). curveto: (36.05,0.3)(39.65,1.45) curveto: (46.2,3.6)(51.45,8.85) curveto: (60.25,17.65)(60.25,30.15) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 4 tag 2 [0.583 0.000] [0.000 0.583] [511.500 281.850] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 3 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (373.35,179.2) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (373.4,199.2)(359.25,213.9) curveto: (344.85,228.85)(324.45,229.1) hlineto: (323.55,229.1). curveto: (303.4,229.1)(289.05,215) curveto: (274.35,200.6)(273.75,180.2) vlineto: (273.75,179.2). curveto: (273.8,159.4)(287.55,144.8) curveto: (301.95,130.1)(322.65,129.5) hlineto: (323.55,129.5). curveto: (343.45,129.5)(358.15,143.3) curveto: (373.1,157.75)(373.35,178.5) vlineto: (373.35,179.2). moveto: (412.85,179.5) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (412.85,216.35)(386.65,242.5) curveto: (360.5,268.7)(323.65,268.7) hlineto: (323.55,268.7). curveto: (286.45,268.65)(260.25,242.5) curveto: (234.05,216.35)(234.05,179.5) vlineto: (234.05,179.2). curveto: (234.15,142.5)(260.25,116.4) curveto: (286.45,90.25)(323.55,90.2) hlineto: (323.65,90.2). curveto: (360.5,90.2)(386.65,116.4) curveto: (412.75,142.5)(412.85,179.2) vlineto: (412.85,179.5). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (324.25,-9.45) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (324.25,34). curveto: (264.45,35.35)(220.9,77.8) curveto: (176.6,120.7)(177.4,179.25) hlineto: (-6.3,179.25). vlineto: (-6.3,-9.45). hlineto: (324.25,-9.45). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 6 tag 3 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 4 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-103,-93) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (-103,112). hlineto: (-167,112). vlineto: (-167,-93). hlineto: (-103,-93). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 7 tag 4 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [762.950 168.500] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 5 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (635,-5.85) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (635,181.25). hlineto: (470.05,181.25). lineto: (470,180.45). hlineto: (469.65,180.45). vlineto: (469.65,179.25). curveto: (467.4,121.1)(425.9,78.5) curveto: (383,34.2)(324.45,35) hlineto: (323.6,35). vlineto: (323.6,36). hlineto: (323.15,36). vlineto: (323.15,-5.85). hlineto: (635,-5.85). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (324.25,366.65) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-4.9,366.65). vlineto: (-4.9,179.25). hlineto: (177.4,179.25). vlineto: (177.4,180.1). hlineto: (216.4,180.1). vlineto: (216.4,179.9). vlineto: (216.4,179.25). hlineto: (217.15,179.25). vlineto: (217.15,179.35). vlineto: (217.15,179.55). vlineto: (217.15,180.25). hlineto: (178.8,180.25). curveto: (181.25,237.95)(222.5,280.3) curveto: (265.2,324.4)(323.4,323.8) vlineto: (323.4,324.45). hlineto: (324.25,324.45). vlineto: (324.25,366.65). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (468.5,202.05) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (470.15,190.95)(470,179.25) hlineto: (637.65,179.25). vlineto: (637.65,368.3). hlineto: (576.65,368.3). vlineto: (576.65,367.9). hlineto: (323.2,367.9). vlineto: (323.2,359.7). hlineto: (323.1,359.7). vlineto: (323.1,324.45). curveto: (382.9,323)(426.45,280.65) curveto: (461.95,246.35)(468.5,202.05) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (323.6,33.4) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (263.8,34.75)(220.25,77.2) curveto: (175.95,120.1)(176.75,178.65) vlineto: (176.75,179.5). hlineto: (215.75,179.5). vlineto: (215.75,179.3). vlineto: (215.75,178.65). curveto: (216,134.75)(247.15,103.6) curveto: (250.6,100.15)(254.3,97.05) lineto: (260.95,91.75). lineto: (289.85,76.95). curveto: (305.65,71.65)(323.6,71.65) hlineto: (324.15,71.65). vlineto: (324.15,71.4). hlineto: (324.05,71.4). vlineto: (324.05,33.4). hlineto: (323.6,33.4). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (323.4,33.35) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (323.4,72.35). hlineto: (323.6,72.35). hlineto: (324.25,72.35). curveto: (368.15,72.6)(399.3,103.75) curveto: (430.05,134.45)(430.7,177.6) vlineto: (430.7,178.8). vlineto: (430.7,179.45). vlineto: (430.7,179.6). hlineto: (469.5,179.6). lineto: (469.45,178.8). vlineto: (469.45,177.6). curveto: (467.2,119.45)(425.7,76.85) curveto: (382.8,32.55)(324.25,33.35) hlineto: (323.4,33.35). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (321.4,285.7) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (278.05,285.15)(247.2,254.3) curveto: (216.1,223.5)(215.8,179.7) hlineto: (177.45,179.7). curveto: (179.9,237.4)(221.15,279.75) curveto: (263.85,323.85)(322.05,323.25) hlineto: (322.6,323.25). hlineto: (323.45,323.25). vlineto: (323.45,285.7). hlineto: (322.9,285.7). hlineto: (321.4,285.7). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (470.3,178.45) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (469.95,178.45). lineto: (470,179.25). hlineto: (431.2,179.25). vlineto: (431.2,179.1). vlineto: (431.2,178.45). hlineto: (431,178.45). vlineto: (431,179.25). curveto: (430.8,201.4)(422.7,220.2) lineto: (416.65,232.25). lineto: (409,243.4). curveto: (404.5,249.35)(398.95,254.85) curveto: (368,286.05)(324,286.25) vlineto: (324,323.8). hlineto: (323.15,323.8). hlineto: (322.6,323.8). vlineto: (322.6,324.45). hlineto: (323.45,324.45). curveto: (383.25,323)(426.8,280.65) curveto: (462.3,246.35)(468.85,202.05) curveto: (470.5,190.95)(470.35,179.25) lineto: (470.3,178.45). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 14 tag 5 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 6 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 0 moveto: (108.55,-113.3) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (155.35,-68.3)(157.15,-3.5) curveto: (158.95,61.3)(112.15,108.1) curveto: (67.15,154.9)(2.35,156.7) curveto: (-62.45,158.5)(-109.25,111.7) curveto: (-154.25,66.7)(-156.05,1.9) curveto: (-157.85,-62.9)(-112.85,-109.7) curveto: (-67.85,-154.7)(-3.05,-156.5) curveto: (61.75,-158.3)(108.55,-113.3) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 15 tag 6 [2.341 0.000] [0.000 2.341] [320.400 182.400] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 7 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (16.75,-0.1) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (16.75,6.9)(11.85,11.8) curveto: (6.95,16.7)(-0.05,16.7) curveto: (-7,16.7)(-11.9,11.8) curveto: (-16.85,6.85)(-16.85,-0.1) curveto: (-16.85,-7.05)(-11.9,-11.95) curveto: (-7,-16.85)(-0.05,-16.85) curveto: (6.9,-16.85)(11.85,-11.95) curveto: (16.75,-7.05)(16.75,-0.1) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (11.75,-0.1) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (11.75,4.8)(8.3,8.25) curveto: (4.85,11.75)(-0.05,11.75) curveto: (-4.95,11.75)(-8.4,8.25) curveto: (-11.85,4.8)(-11.85,-0.1) curveto: (-11.85,-5)(-8.4,-8.45) curveto: (-4.95,-11.9)(-0.05,-11.9) curveto: (4.85,-11.9)(8.3,-8.45) curveto: (11.75,-5)(11.75,-0.1) End of shape. tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 8 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (16.7,-0.15) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (16.7,6.8)(11.8,11.7) curveto: (6.9,16.6)(-0.1,16.6) curveto: (-7.05,16.6)(-11.95,11.7) curveto: (-16.9,6.75)(-16.9,-0.15) curveto: (-16.9,-7.1)(-11.95,-12) curveto: (-7.05,-16.9)(-0.1,-16.9) curveto: (6.85,-16.9)(11.8,-12) curveto: (16.7,-7.1)(16.7,-0.15) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (8.95,-0.2) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (8.95,3.6)(6.25,6.3) curveto: (3.55,9)(-0.25,9) curveto: (-4.05,9)(-6.7,6.3) curveto: (-9.4,3.6)(-9.4,-0.2) curveto: (-9.4,-4)(-6.7,-6.65) curveto: (-4.05,-9.3)(-0.25,-9.3) curveto: (3.55,-9.3)(6.25,-6.65) curveto: (8.95,-4)(8.95,-0.2) End of shape. tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 9 Number of fill styles 2 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (11.75,-0.1) FillStyle0: 1 (2 bits) FillStyle1: 2 (2 bits) curveto: (11.75,4.8)(8.3,8.3) curveto: (4.85,11.7)(-0.05,11.7) curveto: (-4.95,11.7)(-8.35,8.3) curveto: (-11.85,4.8)(-11.8,-0.1) curveto: (-11.85,-5)(-8.35,-8.4) curveto: (-4.95,-11.85)(-0.05,-11.85) curveto: (4.85,-11.85)(8.3,-8.4) curveto: (11.75,-5)(11.75,-0.1) moveto: (16.7,-0.2) FillStyle0: 0 (2 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (2 bits) curveto: (16.65,6.75)(11.8,11.65) curveto: (6.9,16.55)(-0.1,16.55) curveto: (-7.05,16.55)(-11.9,11.65) curveto: (-16.85,6.7)(-16.85,-0.2) curveto: (-16.85,-7.15)(-11.9,-12) curveto: (-7.05,-16.9)(-0.1,-16.9) curveto: (6.85,-16.9)(11.8,-12) curveto: (16.65,-7.15)(16.7,-0.2) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (2 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (2 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (16.7,-0.1) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (16.7,6.9)(11.8,11.8) curveto: (6.95,16.7)(-0.05,16.7) curveto: (-7,16.7)(-11.9,11.8) curveto: (-16.85,6.85)(-16.85,-0.1) curveto: (-16.85,-7)(-11.9,-11.9) curveto: (-7,-16.8)(-0.05,-16.8) curveto: (6.9,-16.8)(11.8,-11.9) curveto: (16.7,-7)(16.7,-0.1) End of shape. tagDefineButton2 tagid 10 ParseButtonRecord: char:7 layer:2 UP [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] ParseButtonRecord: char:8 layer:2 OVER [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] ParseButtonRecord: char:9 layer:2 HIT DOWN [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] Condition: 0008 action code 0x81 has length 2 gotoFrame 11 action code 0x06 play action code 0x00 tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 16 tag 10 [0.844 0.000] [0.000 0.844] [26.400 29.250] tagDefineButton2 tagid 11 ParseButtonRecord: char:7 layer:2 UP [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] ParseButtonRecord: char:8 layer:2 OVER [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] ParseButtonRecord: char:9 layer:2 HIT DOWN [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] Condition: 0008 action code 0x83 has length 18 getUrl noflashindex.htm target action code 0x00 tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 19 tag 11 [0.844 0.000] [0.000 0.844] [25.050 62.050] tagDefineShape tagid 12 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-246.05,-68.3) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (-245.55,-70). curveto: (-244.4,-69.35)(-243.5,-69.35) curveto: (-242.05,-69.35)(-242.05,-70.3) curveto: (-242.05,-70.8)(-242.75,-71.3) lineto: (-244.1,-72.25). curveto: (-244.85,-72.95)(-244.85,-73.8) curveto: (-244.85,-75.15)(-243.7,-75.85) curveto: (-242.7,-76.45)(-241.25,-76.45) lineto: (-238.95,-76.1). lineto: (-239.4,-74.5). lineto: (-241.15,-74.85). curveto: (-242.6,-74.85)(-242.6,-74.05) curveto: (-242.6,-73.65)(-241.85,-73.1) lineto: (-240.55,-72.15). curveto: (-239.8,-71.45)(-239.8,-70.6) curveto: (-239.8,-69.1)(-241,-68.4) curveto: (-241.95,-67.8)(-243.5,-67.8) curveto: (-245,-67.8)(-246.05,-68.3) moveto: (-174.7,-74.75) curveto: (-175.65,-74.75)(-176.2,-73.75) lineto: (-176.8,-71.9). lineto: (-177.65,-68). hlineto: (-179.8,-68). lineto: (-178.3,-75.35). lineto: (-178.15,-76.25). hlineto: (-176.15,-76.25). lineto: (-176.35,-75.15). hlineto: (-176.3,-75.15). curveto: (-175.4,-76.45)(-173.75,-76.45) curveto: (-173,-76.45)(-172.4,-76) curveto: (-171.75,-75.55)(-171.65,-74.85) lineto: (-170.4,-76.05). curveto: (-169.65,-76.45)(-168.75,-76.45) curveto: (-167.8,-76.45)(-167.15,-75.75) curveto: (-166.45,-75.1)(-166.45,-74.2) curveto: (-166.45,-73.6)(-166.8,-71.95) lineto: (-167.7,-68). hlineto: (-169.85,-68). lineto: (-168.95,-72). lineto: (-168.7,-73.75). curveto: (-168.7,-74.25)(-169,-74.5) lineto: (-169.7,-74.75). curveto: (-170.7,-74.75)(-171.25,-73.75) lineto: (-171.85,-71.9). lineto: (-172.7,-68). hlineto: (-174.8,-68). lineto: (-173.95,-72). lineto: (-173.7,-73.75). curveto: (-173.7,-74.25)(-174,-74.5) lineto: (-174.7,-74.75). moveto: (-181,-77.75) hlineto: (-183.15,-77.75). lineto: (-182.7,-79.8). hlineto: (-180.6,-79.8). lineto: (-181,-77.75). moveto: (-199.1,-75.9) curveto: (-198.15,-75.25)(-198.15,-73.9) lineto: (-198.55,-71.1). lineto: (-199.15,-68). hlineto: (-200.95,-68). lineto: (-200.75,-69.25). curveto: (-201.9,-67.8)(-203.4,-67.8) curveto: (-204.55,-67.8)(-205.25,-68.4) curveto: (-205.95,-69.05)(-205.95,-70.15) curveto: (-205.95,-71.95)(-204.2,-72.65) lineto: (-200.9,-73.1). hlineto: (-200.15,-73.1). lineto: (-200.1,-73.8). curveto: (-200.1,-74.85)(-201.75,-74.85) curveto: (-203.1,-74.85)(-204.45,-74.25) lineto: (-204.15,-75.95). lineto: (-201.35,-76.45). curveto: (-199.95,-76.45)(-199.1,-75.9) moveto: (-194.35,-76.25) hlineto: (-192.25,-76.25). lineto: (-192.4,-75.45). hlineto: (-192.35,-75.45). curveto: (-191.3,-76.45)(-190,-76.45) curveto: (-188.8,-76.45)(-188.05,-75.7) curveto: (-187.35,-75)(-187.35,-73.8) lineto: (-187.6,-72). lineto: (-188.45,-68). hlineto: (-190.6,-68). lineto: (-189.8,-71.9). lineto: (-189.55,-73.6). curveto: (-189.55,-74.1)(-189.9,-74.45) lineto: (-190.75,-74.75). curveto: (-192.5,-74.75)(-193.05,-72.15) lineto: (-193.9,-68). hlineto: (-196.05,-68). lineto: (-194.55,-75.05). lineto: (-194.35,-76.25). moveto: (-185.25,-68) lineto: (-183.5,-76.25). hlineto: (-181.35,-76.25). lineto: (-183.1,-68). hlineto: (-185.25,-68). moveto: (-201.15,-71.8) curveto: (-203.9,-71.8)(-203.9,-70.25) lineto: (-203.6,-69.6). curveto: (-203.3,-69.35)(-202.85,-69.35) curveto: (-201.75,-69.35)(-201.15,-70.1) curveto: (-200.7,-70.6)(-200.4,-71.8) hlineto: (-201.15,-71.8). moveto: (-162.85,-72.65) lineto: (-159.55,-73.1). hlineto: (-158.8,-73.1). lineto: (-158.75,-73.8). curveto: (-158.75,-74.85)(-160.4,-74.85) curveto: (-161.75,-74.85)(-163.1,-74.25) lineto: (-162.8,-75.95). lineto: (-160,-76.45). curveto: (-158.6,-76.45)(-157.75,-75.9) curveto: (-156.8,-75.25)(-156.8,-73.9) lineto: (-157.2,-71.1). lineto: (-157.8,-68). hlineto: (-159.6,-68). lineto: (-159.4,-69.25). curveto: (-160.55,-67.8)(-162.05,-67.8) curveto: (-163.2,-67.8)(-163.9,-68.4) curveto: (-164.6,-69.05)(-164.6,-70.15) curveto: (-164.6,-71.95)(-162.85,-72.65) moveto: (-162.25,-69.6) lineto: (-161.5,-69.35). curveto: (-160.4,-69.35)(-159.8,-70.1) curveto: (-159.35,-70.6)(-159.05,-71.8) hlineto: (-159.8,-71.8). curveto: (-162.55,-71.8)(-162.55,-70.25) lineto: (-162.25,-69.6). moveto: (-217,-74.75) curveto: (-218,-74.75)(-218.65,-73.65) curveto: (-219.25,-72.6)(-219.25,-71.4) curveto: (-219.25,-69.45)(-217.85,-69.45) curveto: (-216.65,-69.45)(-216,-70.75) curveto: (-215.5,-71.75)(-215.5,-73) curveto: (-215.5,-73.8)(-215.9,-74.3) curveto: (-216.3,-74.75)(-217,-74.75) moveto: (-214,-75.5) curveto: (-213.25,-74.6)(-213.25,-73.1) curveto: (-213.25,-71)(-214.3,-69.5) curveto: (-215.55,-67.8)(-217.55,-67.8) curveto: (-219.35,-67.8)(-219.8,-69.3) hlineto: (-219.85,-69.3). lineto: (-220.8,-64.65). hlineto: (-222.95,-64.65). lineto: (-220.75,-75.15). lineto: (-220.6,-76.25). hlineto: (-218.55,-76.25). lineto: (-218.8,-75.15). hlineto: (-218.75,-75.15). curveto: (-217.85,-76.45)(-216.3,-76.45) curveto: (-214.8,-76.45)(-214,-75.5) moveto: (-232.9,-80) lineto: (-234.3,-73.25). hlineto: (-234.25,-73.25). lineto: (-231.25,-76.25). hlineto: (-228.5,-76.25). lineto: (-232.45,-72.5). lineto: (-229.95,-68). hlineto: (-232.4,-68). lineto: (-234.5,-72.35). hlineto: (-234.55,-72.35). lineto: (-235.45,-68). hlineto: (-237.55,-68). lineto: (-235,-80). hlineto: (-232.9,-80). moveto: (-225.55,-77.75) lineto: (-225.1,-79.8). hlineto: (-223,-79.8). lineto: (-223.4,-77.75). hlineto: (-225.55,-77.75). moveto: (-223.75,-76.25) lineto: (-225.5,-68). hlineto: (-227.65,-68). lineto: (-225.9,-76.25). hlineto: (-223.75,-76.25). moveto: (-100.9,-74.65) lineto: (-101.7,-71.05). lineto: (-101.8,-70.25). curveto: (-101.8,-69.45)(-100.95,-69.45) lineto: (-99.95,-69.65). lineto: (-100.3,-68). lineto: (-101.45,-67.8). curveto: (-103.95,-67.8)(-103.95,-69.95) lineto: (-103.65,-71.9). lineto: (-103.05,-74.65). hlineto: (-104.6,-74.65). lineto: (-104.25,-76.25). hlineto: (-102.7,-76.25). lineto: (-102.35,-77.95). lineto: (-100.05,-78.7). lineto: (-100.55,-76.25). hlineto: (-98.65,-76.25). lineto: (-99,-74.65). hlineto: (-100.9,-74.65). moveto: (-96.25,-76.25) hlineto: (-94.2,-76.25). lineto: (-94.5,-74.7). hlineto: (-94.45,-74.7). lineto: (-93.45,-75.9). curveto: (-92.75,-76.45)(-92,-76.45) lineto: (-91.2,-76.35). lineto: (-91.65,-74.25). lineto: (-92.5,-74.4). curveto: (-94.45,-74.4)(-95,-71.7) lineto: (-95.75,-68). hlineto: (-97.9,-68). lineto: (-96.45,-75.15). lineto: (-96.25,-76.25). moveto: (-82.8,-75.45) curveto: (-81.75,-74.5)(-81.75,-72.8) curveto: (-81.75,-70.6)(-83.1,-69.2) curveto: (-84.45,-67.8)(-86.65,-67.8) curveto: (-88.4,-67.8)(-89.4,-68.8) curveto: (-90.4,-69.8)(-90.4,-71.55) curveto: (-90.4,-73.65)(-89,-75.05) curveto: (-87.6,-76.45)(-85.5,-76.45) curveto: (-83.8,-76.45)(-82.8,-75.45) moveto: (-117.45,-76.25) lineto: (-119.2,-68). hlineto: (-121.35,-68). lineto: (-119.6,-76.25). hlineto: (-117.45,-76.25). moveto: (-119.25,-77.75) lineto: (-118.8,-79.8). hlineto: (-116.7,-79.8). lineto: (-117.1,-77.75). hlineto: (-119.25,-77.75). moveto: (-112.2,-75.45) curveto: (-111.15,-76.45)(-109.85,-76.45) curveto: (-108.65,-76.45)(-107.9,-75.7) curveto: (-107.2,-75)(-107.2,-73.8) lineto: (-107.45,-72). lineto: (-108.3,-68). hlineto: (-110.45,-68). lineto: (-109.65,-71.9). lineto: (-109.4,-73.6). curveto: (-109.4,-74.1)(-109.75,-74.45) curveto: (-110.05,-74.75)(-110.6,-74.75) curveto: (-112.35,-74.75)(-112.9,-72.15) lineto: (-113.75,-68). hlineto: (-115.9,-68). lineto: (-114.4,-75.05). lineto: (-114.2,-76.25). hlineto: (-112.1,-76.25). lineto: (-112.25,-75.45). hlineto: (-112.2,-75.45). moveto: (-86.45,-69.45) curveto: (-85.3,-69.45)(-84.6,-70.6) curveto: (-84,-71.6)(-84,-72.8) curveto: (-84,-74.75)(-85.6,-74.75) curveto: (-86.8,-74.75)(-87.5,-73.65) curveto: (-88.15,-72.65)(-88.15,-71.4) curveto: (-88.15,-69.45)(-86.45,-69.45) moveto: (-127.4,-80) lineto: (-129.65,-69.8). lineto: (-129.95,-68). hlineto: (-131.95,-68). lineto: (-131.75,-69.2). curveto: (-132.8,-67.8)(-134.45,-67.8) curveto: (-135.85,-67.8)(-136.6,-68.85) curveto: (-137.3,-69.75)(-137.3,-71.25) curveto: (-137.3,-73.3)(-136.25,-74.75) curveto: (-135.1,-76.45)(-133.15,-76.45) curveto: (-131.65,-76.45)(-130.6,-75.25) lineto: (-129.55,-80). hlineto: (-127.4,-80). moveto: (-151.95,-77.95) lineto: (-149.65,-78.7). lineto: (-150.15,-76.25). hlineto: (-148.25,-76.25). lineto: (-148.6,-74.65). hlineto: (-150.5,-74.65). lineto: (-151.3,-71.05). lineto: (-151.4,-70.25). curveto: (-151.4,-69.45)(-150.55,-69.45) lineto: (-149.55,-69.65). lineto: (-149.9,-68). lineto: (-151.05,-67.8). curveto: (-153.55,-67.8)(-153.55,-69.95) lineto: (-153.25,-71.9). lineto: (-152.65,-74.65). hlineto: (-154.2,-74.65). lineto: (-153.85,-76.25). hlineto: (-152.3,-76.25). lineto: (-151.95,-77.95). moveto: (-144.2,-74.3) lineto: (-145,-72.95). hlineto: (-141.35,-72.95). lineto: (-141.3,-73.5). curveto: (-141.3,-74.85)(-142.7,-74.85) curveto: (-143.6,-74.85)(-144.2,-74.3) moveto: (-142.65,-76.45) curveto: (-141.1,-76.45)(-140.2,-75.65) curveto: (-139.25,-74.85)(-139.25,-73.3) lineto: (-139.5,-71.45). hlineto: (-145.3,-71.45). curveto: (-145.3,-69.35)(-143,-69.35) curveto: (-141.75,-69.35)(-140.45,-69.95) lineto: (-140.75,-68.25). lineto: (-143.35,-67.8). curveto: (-145.2,-67.8)(-146.25,-68.7) curveto: (-147.35,-69.65)(-147.35,-71.4) curveto: (-147.35,-73.4)(-146,-74.9) curveto: (-144.6,-76.45)(-142.65,-76.45) moveto: (-131.6,-74.15) curveto: (-132.05,-74.75)(-132.8,-74.75) curveto: (-133.85,-74.75)(-134.5,-73.55) curveto: (-135.05,-72.55)(-135.05,-71.4) curveto: (-135.05,-69.45)(-133.75,-69.45) curveto: (-132.65,-69.45)(-131.9,-70.6) curveto: (-131.25,-71.55)(-131.25,-72.8) curveto: (-131.25,-73.6)(-131.6,-74.15) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 22 tag 12 [0.800 0.000] [0.000 0.800] [222.950 121.350] tagDefineShape tagid 13 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-173.2,-28) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (-175.7,-16). hlineto: (-177.85,-16). lineto: (-175.3,-28). hlineto: (-173.2,-28). moveto: (-187.05,-24.25) hlineto: (-185,-24.25). lineto: (-185.25,-23.15). hlineto: (-185.2,-23.15). curveto: (-184.3,-24.45)(-182.75,-24.45) curveto: (-181.25,-24.45)(-180.45,-23.5) curveto: (-179.7,-22.6)(-179.7,-21.1) curveto: (-179.7,-19)(-180.75,-17.5) curveto: (-182,-15.8)(-184,-15.8) curveto: (-185.8,-15.8)(-186.25,-17.3) hlineto: (-186.3,-17.3). lineto: (-187.25,-12.65). hlineto: (-189.4,-12.65). lineto: (-187.2,-23.15). lineto: (-187.05,-24.25). moveto: (-185.7,-19.4) curveto: (-185.7,-17.45)(-184.3,-17.45) curveto: (-183.1,-17.45)(-182.45,-18.75) curveto: (-181.95,-19.75)(-181.95,-21) curveto: (-181.95,-21.8)(-182.35,-22.3) curveto: (-182.75,-22.75)(-183.45,-22.75) curveto: (-184.45,-22.75)(-185.1,-21.65) curveto: (-185.7,-20.6)(-185.7,-19.4) moveto: (-166.55,-21.8) curveto: (-166.55,-22.85)(-168.2,-22.85) lineto: (-170.9,-22.25). lineto: (-170.6,-23.95). lineto: (-167.8,-24.45). curveto: (-166.4,-24.45)(-165.55,-23.9) curveto: (-164.6,-23.25)(-164.6,-21.9) lineto: (-165,-19.1). lineto: (-165.6,-16). hlineto: (-167.4,-16). lineto: (-167.2,-17.25). curveto: (-168.35,-15.8)(-169.85,-15.8) curveto: (-171,-15.8)(-171.7,-16.4) curveto: (-172.4,-17.05)(-172.4,-18.15) curveto: (-172.4,-19.95)(-170.65,-20.65) lineto: (-167.35,-21.1). hlineto: (-166.6,-21.1). lineto: (-166.55,-21.8). moveto: (-170.05,-17.6) lineto: (-169.3,-17.35). curveto: (-168.2,-17.35)(-167.6,-18.1) curveto: (-167.15,-18.6)(-166.85,-19.8) hlineto: (-167.6,-19.8). curveto: (-170.35,-19.8)(-170.35,-18.25) lineto: (-170.05,-17.6). moveto: (-163.65,-12.65) lineto: (-163.15,-14.3). lineto: (-162.2,-14.1). curveto: (-161.7,-14.1)(-161.3,-14.45) curveto: (-160.9,-14.75)(-160.35,-15.6) lineto: (-161.8,-24.25). hlineto: (-159.6,-24.25). lineto: (-158.85,-18.1). hlineto: (-158.8,-18.1). lineto: (-155.5,-24.25). hlineto: (-153.15,-24.25). lineto: (-158.75,-14.75). lineto: (-159.95,-13.2). curveto: (-160.8,-12.45)(-162.05,-12.45) lineto: (-163.65,-12.65). moveto: (-123.9,-27.8) hlineto: (-121.8,-27.8). lineto: (-122.2,-25.75). hlineto: (-124.35,-25.75). lineto: (-123.9,-27.8). moveto: (-142.1,-21.1) hlineto: (-141.35,-21.1). lineto: (-141.3,-21.8). curveto: (-141.3,-22.85)(-142.95,-22.85) curveto: (-144.3,-22.85)(-145.65,-22.25) lineto: (-145.35,-23.95). lineto: (-142.55,-24.45). curveto: (-141.15,-24.45)(-140.3,-23.9) curveto: (-139.35,-23.25)(-139.35,-21.9) lineto: (-139.75,-19.1). lineto: (-140.35,-16). hlineto: (-142.15,-16). lineto: (-141.95,-17.25). curveto: (-143.1,-15.8)(-144.6,-15.8) curveto: (-145.75,-15.8)(-146.45,-16.4) curveto: (-147.15,-17.05)(-147.15,-18.15) curveto: (-147.15,-19.95)(-145.4,-20.65) lineto: (-142.1,-21.1). moveto: (-142.35,-18.1) curveto: (-141.9,-18.6)(-141.6,-19.8) hlineto: (-142.35,-19.8). curveto: (-145.1,-19.8)(-145.1,-18.25) lineto: (-144.8,-17.6). curveto: (-144.5,-17.35)(-144.05,-17.35) curveto: (-142.95,-17.35)(-142.35,-18.1) moveto: (-122.55,-24.25) lineto: (-124.3,-16). hlineto: (-126.45,-16). lineto: (-124.7,-24.25). hlineto: (-122.55,-24.25). moveto: (-128.55,-21.8) lineto: (-128.8,-20). lineto: (-129.65,-16). hlineto: (-131.8,-16). lineto: (-131,-19.9). lineto: (-130.75,-21.6). curveto: (-130.75,-22.1)(-131.1,-22.45) lineto: (-131.95,-22.75). curveto: (-133.7,-22.75)(-134.25,-20.15) lineto: (-135.1,-16). hlineto: (-137.25,-16). lineto: (-135.75,-23.05). lineto: (-135.55,-24.25). hlineto: (-133.45,-24.25). lineto: (-133.6,-23.45). hlineto: (-133.55,-23.45). curveto: (-132.5,-24.45)(-131.2,-24.45) curveto: (-130,-24.45)(-129.25,-23.7) curveto: (-128.55,-23)(-128.55,-21.8) moveto: (-90.85,-26.7) lineto: (-91.35,-24.25). hlineto: (-89.45,-24.25). lineto: (-89.8,-22.65). hlineto: (-91.7,-22.65). lineto: (-92.5,-19.05). lineto: (-92.6,-18.25). curveto: (-92.6,-17.45)(-91.75,-17.45) lineto: (-90.75,-17.65). lineto: (-91.1,-16). lineto: (-92.25,-15.8). curveto: (-94.75,-15.8)(-94.75,-17.95) lineto: (-94.45,-19.9). lineto: (-93.85,-22.65). hlineto: (-95.4,-22.65). lineto: (-95.05,-24.25). hlineto: (-93.5,-24.25). lineto: (-93.15,-25.95). lineto: (-90.85,-26.7). moveto: (-104.3,-22.25) lineto: (-104,-23.95). lineto: (-101.2,-24.45). curveto: (-99.8,-24.45)(-98.95,-23.9) curveto: (-98,-23.25)(-98,-21.9) lineto: (-98.4,-19.1). lineto: (-99,-16). hlineto: (-100.8,-16). lineto: (-100.6,-17.25). curveto: (-101.75,-15.8)(-103.25,-15.8) curveto: (-104.4,-15.8)(-105.1,-16.4) curveto: (-105.8,-17.05)(-105.8,-18.15) curveto: (-105.8,-19.95)(-104.05,-20.65) lineto: (-100.75,-21.1). hlineto: (-100,-21.1). lineto: (-99.95,-21.8). curveto: (-99.95,-22.85)(-101.6,-22.85) lineto: (-104.3,-22.25). moveto: (-108.35,-23.75) curveto: (-107.65,-23.1)(-107.65,-22.2) curveto: (-107.65,-21.6)(-108,-19.95) lineto: (-108.9,-16). hlineto: (-111.05,-16). lineto: (-110.15,-20). lineto: (-109.9,-21.75). curveto: (-109.9,-22.25)(-110.2,-22.5) lineto: (-110.9,-22.75). curveto: (-111.9,-22.75)(-112.45,-21.75) lineto: (-113.05,-19.9). lineto: (-113.9,-16). hlineto: (-116,-16). lineto: (-115.15,-20). lineto: (-114.9,-21.75). curveto: (-114.9,-22.25)(-115.2,-22.5) lineto: (-115.9,-22.75). curveto: (-116.85,-22.75)(-117.4,-21.75) lineto: (-118,-19.9). lineto: (-118.85,-16). hlineto: (-121,-16). lineto: (-119.5,-23.35). lineto: (-119.35,-24.25). hlineto: (-117.35,-24.25). lineto: (-117.55,-23.15). hlineto: (-117.5,-23.15). curveto: (-116.6,-24.45)(-114.95,-24.45) curveto: (-114.2,-24.45)(-113.6,-24) curveto: (-112.95,-23.55)(-112.85,-22.85) lineto: (-111.6,-24.05). curveto: (-110.85,-24.45)(-109.95,-24.45) curveto: (-109,-24.45)(-108.35,-23.75) moveto: (-103.45,-17.6) lineto: (-102.7,-17.35). curveto: (-101.6,-17.35)(-101,-18.1) curveto: (-100.55,-18.6)(-100.25,-19.8) hlineto: (-101,-19.8). curveto: (-103.75,-19.8)(-103.75,-18.25) lineto: (-103.45,-17.6). moveto: (-81.4,-23.65) curveto: (-80.45,-22.85)(-80.45,-21.3) curveto: (-80.45,-20.45)(-80.7,-19.45) hlineto: (-86.5,-19.45). curveto: (-86.5,-17.35)(-84.2,-17.35) curveto: (-82.95,-17.35)(-81.65,-17.95) lineto: (-81.95,-16.25). lineto: (-84.55,-15.8). curveto: (-86.4,-15.8)(-87.45,-16.7) curveto: (-88.55,-17.65)(-88.55,-19.4) curveto: (-88.55,-21.4)(-87.2,-22.9) curveto: (-85.8,-24.45)(-83.85,-24.45) curveto: (-82.3,-24.45)(-81.4,-23.65) moveto: (-82.5,-21.5) curveto: (-82.5,-22.85)(-83.9,-22.85) curveto: (-84.8,-22.85)(-85.4,-22.3) lineto: (-86.2,-20.95). hlineto: (-82.55,-20.95). lineto: (-82.5,-21.5). moveto: (-60,-27.8) hlineto: (-57.9,-27.8). lineto: (-58.3,-25.75). hlineto: (-60.45,-25.75). lineto: (-60,-27.8). moveto: (-41.25,-26.7) lineto: (-41.75,-24.25). hlineto: (-39.85,-24.25). lineto: (-40.2,-22.65). hlineto: (-42.1,-22.65). lineto: (-42.9,-19.05). lineto: (-43,-18.25). curveto: (-43,-17.45)(-42.15,-17.45) lineto: (-41.15,-17.65). lineto: (-41.5,-16). lineto: (-42.65,-15.8). curveto: (-45.15,-15.8)(-45.15,-17.95) lineto: (-44.85,-19.9). lineto: (-44.25,-22.65). hlineto: (-45.8,-22.65). lineto: (-45.45,-24.25). hlineto: (-43.9,-24.25). lineto: (-43.55,-25.95). lineto: (-41.25,-26.7). moveto: (-68.6,-28) lineto: (-70.85,-17.8). lineto: (-71.15,-16). hlineto: (-73.15,-16). lineto: (-72.95,-17.2). curveto: (-74,-15.8)(-75.65,-15.8) curveto: (-77.05,-15.8)(-77.8,-16.85) curveto: (-78.5,-17.75)(-78.5,-19.25) curveto: (-78.5,-21.3)(-77.45,-22.75) curveto: (-76.3,-24.45)(-74.35,-24.45) curveto: (-72.85,-24.45)(-71.8,-23.25) lineto: (-70.75,-28). hlineto: (-68.6,-28). moveto: (-60.8,-24.25) hlineto: (-58.65,-24.25). lineto: (-60.4,-16). hlineto: (-62.55,-16). lineto: (-60.8,-24.25). moveto: (-74,-22.75) curveto: (-75.05,-22.75)(-75.7,-21.55) curveto: (-76.25,-20.55)(-76.25,-19.4) curveto: (-76.25,-17.45)(-74.95,-17.45) curveto: (-73.85,-17.45)(-73.1,-18.6) curveto: (-72.45,-19.55)(-72.45,-20.8) curveto: (-72.45,-21.6)(-72.8,-22.15) curveto: (-73.25,-22.75)(-74,-22.75) moveto: (-48.4,-21.8) lineto: (-48.65,-20). lineto: (-49.5,-16). hlineto: (-51.65,-16). lineto: (-50.85,-19.9). lineto: (-50.6,-21.6). curveto: (-50.6,-22.1)(-50.95,-22.45) curveto: (-51.25,-22.75)(-51.8,-22.75) curveto: (-53.55,-22.75)(-54.1,-20.15) lineto: (-54.95,-16). hlineto: (-57.1,-16). lineto: (-55.6,-23.05). lineto: (-55.4,-24.25). hlineto: (-53.3,-24.25). lineto: (-53.45,-23.45). hlineto: (-53.4,-23.45). curveto: (-52.35,-24.45)(-51.05,-24.45) curveto: (-49.85,-24.45)(-49.1,-23.7) curveto: (-48.4,-23)(-48.4,-21.8) moveto: (-22.95,-20.8) curveto: (-22.95,-18.6)(-24.3,-17.2) curveto: (-25.65,-15.8)(-27.85,-15.8) curveto: (-29.6,-15.8)(-30.6,-16.8) curveto: (-31.6,-17.8)(-31.6,-19.55) curveto: (-31.6,-21.65)(-30.2,-23.05) curveto: (-28.8,-24.45)(-26.7,-24.45) curveto: (-25,-24.45)(-24,-23.45) curveto: (-22.95,-22.5)(-22.95,-20.8) moveto: (-28.7,-21.65) curveto: (-29.35,-20.65)(-29.35,-19.4) curveto: (-29.35,-17.45)(-27.65,-17.45) curveto: (-26.5,-17.45)(-25.8,-18.6) curveto: (-25.2,-19.6)(-25.2,-20.8) curveto: (-25.2,-22.75)(-26.8,-22.75) curveto: (-28,-22.75)(-28.7,-21.65) moveto: (-33.7,-22.4) curveto: (-35.65,-22.4)(-36.2,-19.7) lineto: (-36.95,-16). hlineto: (-39.1,-16). lineto: (-37.65,-23.15). lineto: (-37.45,-24.25). hlineto: (-35.4,-24.25). lineto: (-35.7,-22.7). hlineto: (-35.65,-22.7). lineto: (-34.65,-23.9). curveto: (-33.95,-24.45)(-33.2,-24.45) lineto: (-32.4,-24.35). lineto: (-32.85,-22.25). lineto: (-33.7,-22.4). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 23 tag 13 [0.800 0.000] [0.000 0.800] [177.200 46.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 1 file offset 0x0f9d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [1.961 0.000] [0.000 1.961] [321.150 181.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 2 file offset 0x0fae -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [1.618 0.000] [0.000 1.617] [321.750 181.050] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 3 file offset 0x0fbf -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [1.310 0.000] [0.000 1.310] [322.350 180.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 4 file offset 0x0fd0 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [1.038 0.000] [0.000 1.038] [322.900 180.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 5 file offset 0x0fe1 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [0.801 0.000] [0.000 0.801] [323.300 179.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 6 file offset 0x0ff2 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [0.601 0.000] [0.000 0.601] [323.650 179.300] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 7 file offset 0x1003 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [0.436 0.000] [0.000 0.436] [324.050 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 8 file offset 0x1013 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [0.308 0.000] [0.000 0.308] [324.200 178.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 9 file offset 0x1023 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [0.215 0.000] [0.000 0.215] [324.400 178.600] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 10 file offset 0x1033 -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 4 tagRemoveObject2 depth 7 tagDoAction action code 0x07 stop action code 0x00 tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 1 tag 1 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [317.350 179.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 2 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [315.850 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 3 move tag 2 [0.583 0.000] [0.000 0.583] [511.500 281.850] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 14 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (373.35,179.2) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (373.4,199.2)(359.25,213.9) curveto: (344.85,228.85)(324.45,229.1) hlineto: (323.55,229.1). curveto: (303.4,229.1)(289.05,215) curveto: (274.35,200.6)(273.75,180.2) vlineto: (273.75,179.2). curveto: (273.8,159.4)(287.55,144.8) curveto: (301.95,130.1)(322.65,129.5) hlineto: (323.55,129.5). curveto: (343.45,129.5)(358.15,143.3) curveto: (373.1,157.75)(373.35,178.5) vlineto: (373.35,179.2). moveto: (412.85,179.5) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (412.85,216.35)(386.65,242.5) curveto: (360.5,268.7)(323.65,268.7) hlineto: (323.55,268.7). curveto: (286.45,268.65)(260.25,242.5) curveto: (234.05,216.35)(234.05,179.5) vlineto: (234.05,179.2). curveto: (234.15,142.5)(260.25,116.4) curveto: (286.45,90.25)(323.55,90.2) hlineto: (323.65,90.2). curveto: (360.5,90.2)(386.65,116.4) curveto: (412.75,142.5)(412.85,179.2) vlineto: (412.85,179.5). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (177.4,179.25) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-9,179.25). vlineto: (-9,-9). hlineto: (324.25,-9). vlineto: (324.25,34). curveto: (264.45,35.35)(220.9,77.8) curveto: (176.6,120.7)(177.4,179.25) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 5 tag 14 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 6 move tag 4 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [762.950 168.500] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 15 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (323.15,-11.55) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (323.15,36). hlineto: (323.6,36). vlineto: (323.6,35). hlineto: (324.45,35). curveto: (383,34.2)(425.9,78.5) curveto: (467.4,121.1)(469.65,179.25) vlineto: (469.65,180.45). hlineto: (470,180.45). lineto: (470.05,181.25). hlineto: (643.7,181.25). vlineto: (643.7,-11.55). hlineto: (323.15,-11.55). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (324.25,370.85) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-7.55,370.85). vlineto: (-7.55,179.25). hlineto: (177.4,179.25). vlineto: (177.4,180.1). hlineto: (216.4,180.1). vlineto: (216.4,179.9). vlineto: (216.4,179.25). hlineto: (217.15,179.25). vlineto: (217.15,179.35). vlineto: (217.15,179.55). vlineto: (217.15,180.25). hlineto: (178.8,180.25). curveto: (181.25,237.95)(222.5,280.3) curveto: (265.2,324.4)(323.4,323.8) vlineto: (323.4,324.45). hlineto: (324.25,324.45). vlineto: (324.25,370.85). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (468.5,202.05) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (470.15,190.95)(470,179.25) hlineto: (633.05,179.25). vlineto: (633.05,364). hlineto: (323.4,364). vlineto: (323.4,359.7). hlineto: (323.1,359.7). vlineto: (323.1,324.45). curveto: (382.9,323)(426.45,280.65) curveto: (461.95,246.35)(468.5,202.05) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (324.05,71.4) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (324.05,33.4). hlineto: (323.6,33.4). curveto: (263.8,34.75)(220.25,77.2) curveto: (175.95,120.1)(176.75,178.65) vlineto: (176.75,179.5). hlineto: (215.75,179.5). vlineto: (215.75,179.3). vlineto: (215.75,178.65). curveto: (216,134.75)(247.15,103.6) curveto: (250.6,100.15)(254.3,97.05) lineto: (260.95,91.75). lineto: (289.85,76.95). curveto: (305.65,71.65)(323.6,71.65) hlineto: (324.15,71.65). vlineto: (324.15,71.4). hlineto: (324.05,71.4). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (323.4,33.35) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (323.4,72.35). hlineto: (323.6,72.35). hlineto: (324.25,72.35). curveto: (368.15,72.6)(399.3,103.75) curveto: (430.05,134.45)(430.7,177.6) vlineto: (430.7,178.8). vlineto: (430.7,179.45). vlineto: (430.7,179.6). hlineto: (469.5,179.6). lineto: (469.45,178.8). vlineto: (469.45,177.6). curveto: (467.2,119.45)(425.7,76.85) curveto: (382.8,32.55)(324.25,33.35) hlineto: (323.4,33.35). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (321.4,285.7) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (278.05,285.15)(247.2,254.3) curveto: (216.1,223.5)(215.8,179.7) hlineto: (177.45,179.7). curveto: (179.9,237.4)(221.15,279.75) curveto: (263.85,323.85)(322.05,323.25) hlineto: (322.6,323.25). hlineto: (323.45,323.25). vlineto: (323.45,285.7). hlineto: (322.9,285.7). hlineto: (321.4,285.7). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (470.3,178.45) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (469.95,178.45). lineto: (470,179.25). hlineto: (431.2,179.25). vlineto: (431.2,179.1). vlineto: (431.2,178.45). hlineto: (431,178.45). vlineto: (431,179.25). curveto: (430.8,201.4)(422.7,220.2) lineto: (416.65,232.25). lineto: (409,243.4). curveto: (404.5,249.35)(398.95,254.85) curveto: (368,286.05)(324,286.25) vlineto: (324,323.8). hlineto: (323.15,323.8). hlineto: (322.6,323.8). vlineto: (322.6,324.45). hlineto: (323.45,324.45). curveto: (383.25,323)(426.8,280.65) curveto: (462.3,246.35)(468.85,202.05) curveto: (470.5,190.95)(470.35,179.25) lineto: (470.3,178.45). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 13 tag 15 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 16 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (17.8,-17.65) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (25.3,-10.5)(25.6,-0.15) vlineto: (25.6,0.35). curveto: (25.7,10.4)(18.4,17.75) curveto: (11.2,25.25)(0.8,25.55) hlineto: (0.5,25.55). curveto: (-9.7,25.75)(-17.1,18.35) curveto: (-24.25,11.15)(-24.5,0.75) vlineto: (-24.5,0.35). curveto: (-24.65,-9.75)(-17.6,-17.05) curveto: (-10.45,-24.25)(-0.1,-24.55) hlineto: (0.5,-24.55). curveto: (10.5,-24.65)(17.8,-17.65) moveto: (35.1,-35.55) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (50.05,-21.1)(50.3,-0.35) vlineto: (50.3,0.35). curveto: (50.35,20.35)(36.2,35.05) curveto: (21.8,50)(1.4,50.25) hlineto: (0.5,50.25). curveto: (-19.65,50.25)(-34,36.15) curveto: (-48.7,21.75)(-49.3,1.35) vlineto: (-49.3,0.35). curveto: (-49.25,-19.45)(-35.5,-34.05) curveto: (-21.1,-48.75)(-0.4,-49.35) hlineto: (0.5,-49.35). curveto: (20.4,-49.35)(35.1,-35.55) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 14 move tag 16 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [323.500 178.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 15 move [0.157 0.000] [0.000 0.157] [324.500 178.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 11 file offset 0x1388 -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 16 tagRemoveObject2 depth 19 tagRemoveObject2 depth 22 tagRemoveObject2 depth 23 tagDefineShape tagid 17 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (715.65,178.45) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (716.05,338.45)(602.85,456.05) curveto: (487.65,575.65)(324.45,577.65) hlineto: (317.25,577.65). curveto: (156.05,577.65)(41.25,464.85) curveto: (-76.35,349.65)(-81.15,186.45) vlineto: (-81.15,178.45). curveto: (-80.75,20.05)(29.25,-96.75) curveto: (144.45,-214.35)(310.05,-219.15) hlineto: (317.25,-219.15). curveto: (476.45,-219.15)(594.05,-108.75) curveto: (713.65,6.85)(715.65,172.85) vlineto: (715.65,178.45). moveto: (1031.65,180.85) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (1031.65,475.65)(822.05,684.85) curveto: (612.85,894.45)(318.05,894.45) hlineto: (317.25,894.45). curveto: (20.45,894.05)(-189.15,684.85) curveto: (-398.75,475.65)(-398.75,180.85) vlineto: (-398.75,178.45). curveto: (-397.95,-115.15)(-189.15,-323.95) curveto: (20.45,-533.15)(317.25,-533.55) hlineto: (318.05,-533.55). curveto: (612.85,-533.55)(822.05,-323.95) curveto: (1030.85,-115.15)(1031.65,178.45) vlineto: (1031.65,180.85). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 4 tag 17 [0.125 0.000] [0.000 0.125] [283.900 156.900] tagDefineShape tagid 18 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (324.25,-9) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (324.25,34). curveto: (264.45,35.35)(220.9,77.8) curveto: (176.6,120.7)(177.4,179.25) hlineto: (-9,179.25). vlineto: (-9,-9). hlineto: (324.25,-9). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 3 depth 5 move tag 18 tagDefineShape tagid 19 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (323.15,-11.55) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (323.15,36). hlineto: (323.6,36). vlineto: (323.6,35). hlineto: (324.45,35). curveto: (383,34.2)(425.9,78.5) curveto: (467.4,121.1)(469.65,179.25) vlineto: (469.65,180.45). hlineto: (470,180.45). lineto: (470.05,181.25). hlineto: (643.7,181.25). vlineto: (643.7,-11.55). hlineto: (323.15,-11.55). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 7 tag 19 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 20 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (324.25,370.85) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-7.55,370.85). vlineto: (-7.55,179.25). hlineto: (177.4,179.25). vlineto: (177.4,180.1). hlineto: (216.4,180.1). vlineto: (216.4,179.9). vlineto: (216.4,179.25). hlineto: (217.15,179.25). vlineto: (217.15,179.35). vlineto: (217.15,179.55). vlineto: (217.15,180.25). hlineto: (178.8,180.25). curveto: (181.25,237.95)(222.5,280.3) curveto: (265.2,324.4)(323.4,323.8) vlineto: (323.4,324.45). hlineto: (324.25,324.45). vlineto: (324.25,370.85). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 8 tag 20 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 21 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (468.5,202.05) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (470.15,190.95)(470,179.25) hlineto: (633.05,179.25). vlineto: (633.05,364). hlineto: (323.4,364). vlineto: (323.4,359.7). hlineto: (323.1,359.7). vlineto: (323.1,324.45). curveto: (382.9,323)(426.45,280.65) curveto: (461.95,246.35)(468.5,202.05) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 9 tag 21 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 22 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (324.05,71.4) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (324.05,33.4). hlineto: (323.6,33.4). curveto: (263.8,34.75)(220.25,77.2) curveto: (175.95,120.1)(176.75,178.65) vlineto: (176.75,179.5). hlineto: (215.75,179.5). vlineto: (215.75,179.3). vlineto: (215.75,178.65). curveto: (216,134.75)(247.15,103.6) curveto: (250.6,100.15)(254.3,97.05) lineto: (260.95,91.75). lineto: (289.85,76.95). curveto: (305.65,71.65)(323.6,71.65) hlineto: (324.15,71.65). vlineto: (324.15,71.4). hlineto: (324.05,71.4). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 10 tag 22 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 23 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (323.4,33.35) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (323.4,72.35). hlineto: (323.6,72.35). hlineto: (324.25,72.35). curveto: (368.15,72.6)(399.3,103.75) curveto: (430.05,134.45)(430.7,177.6) vlineto: (430.7,178.8). vlineto: (430.7,179.45). vlineto: (430.7,179.6). hlineto: (469.5,179.6). lineto: (469.45,178.8). vlineto: (469.45,177.6). curveto: (467.2,119.45)(425.7,76.85) curveto: (382.8,32.55)(324.25,33.35) hlineto: (323.4,33.35). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 11 tag 23 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 24 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (321.4,285.7) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (278.05,285.15)(247.2,254.3) curveto: (216.1,223.5)(215.8,179.7) hlineto: (177.45,179.7). curveto: (179.9,237.4)(221.15,279.75) curveto: (263.85,323.85)(322.05,323.25) hlineto: (322.6,323.25). hlineto: (323.45,323.25). vlineto: (323.45,285.7). hlineto: (322.9,285.7). hlineto: (321.4,285.7). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 12 tag 24 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape tagid 25 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (470.3,178.45) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (469.95,178.45). lineto: (470,179.25). hlineto: (431.2,179.25). vlineto: (431.2,179.1). vlineto: (431.2,178.45). hlineto: (431,178.45). vlineto: (431,179.25). curveto: (430.8,201.4)(422.7,220.2) lineto: (416.65,232.25). lineto: (409,243.4). curveto: (404.5,249.35)(398.95,254.85) curveto: (368,286.05)(324,286.25) vlineto: (324,323.8). hlineto: (323.15,323.8). hlineto: (322.6,323.8). vlineto: (322.6,324.45). hlineto: (323.45,324.45). curveto: (383.25,323)(426.8,280.65) curveto: (462.3,246.35)(468.85,202.05) curveto: (470.5,190.95)(470.35,179.25) lineto: (470.3,178.45). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 3 depth 13 move tag 25 tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 12 file offset 0x16d1 -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 15 tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.184 0.000] [0.000 0.184] [264.700 146.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-13.950 -6.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [9.900 -4.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-11.150 4.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [5.400 2.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-23.850 -3.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [21.200 -3.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-23.850 3.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [22.100 3.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.936 0.000] [0.000 0.936] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 13 file offset 0x173b -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.241 0.000] [0.000 0.241] [246.150 136.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-27.450 -12.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [19.800 -9.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-22.300 8.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [11.300 5.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-46.850 -7.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [41.700 -6.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-46.850 6.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [43.450 6.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.874 0.000] [0.000 0.874] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 14 file offset 0x17a2 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.297 0.000] [0.000 0.297] [228.300 126.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-40.450 -18.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [29.700 -13.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-33.450 13.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [17.750 8.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-68.950 -10.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [61.550 -9.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-68.950 10.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [64.000 9.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.815 0.000] [0.000 0.815] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 15 file offset 0x1809 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.350 0.000] [0.000 0.350] [211.050 116.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-52.950 -23.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [39.600 -18.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-44.600 17.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [24.750 11.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-90.200 -13.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [80.650 -12.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-90.200 13.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [83.750 12.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.757 0.000] [0.000 0.757] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 16 file offset 0x1870 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.401 0.000] [0.000 0.401] [194.500 107.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-65.000 -29.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [49.500 -22.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-55.750 22.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [32.300 15.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-110.550 -16.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [99.050 -15.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-110.550 16.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [102.750 15.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.702 0.000] [0.000 0.702] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 17 file offset 0x18da -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.450 0.000] [0.000 0.450] [178.550 98.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-76.550 -34.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [59.400 -27.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-66.900 26.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [40.400 18.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-130.050 -19.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [116.750 -18.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-130.050 19.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [120.900 18.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.649 0.000] [0.000 0.649] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 18 file offset 0x1945 -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 6 tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.497 0.000] [0.000 0.497] [163.400 90.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-87.600 -39.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [69.300 -31.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-78.050 31.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [49.000 22.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-148.650 -22.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [133.750 -21.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-148.650 21.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [138.300 21.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.598 0.000] [0.000 0.598] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 19 file offset 0x19b4 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.541 0.000] [0.000 0.541] [148.800 82.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-98.200 -44.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [79.200 -36.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-89.200 35.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [58.150 27.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-166.400 -24.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [150.000 -23.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-166.400 24.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [154.950 24.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.549 0.000] [0.000 0.549] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 20 file offset 0x1a1f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.584 0.000] [0.000 0.584] [134.900 74.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-108.300 -48.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [89.100 -40.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-100.350 40.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [67.850 31.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-183.250 -27.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [165.600 -26.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-183.250 26.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [170.800 26.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.503 0.000] [0.000 0.503] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 21 file offset 0x1a8b -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.625 0.000] [0.000 0.625] [121.650 67.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-117.900 -52.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [99.000 -45.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-111.500 44.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [78.100 36.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-199.200 -29.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [180.500 -28.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-199.200 29.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [185.800 28.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.458 0.000] [0.000 0.458] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 22 file offset 0x1af7 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.664 0.000] [0.000 0.664] [109.100 60.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-127.000 -57.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [108.850 -50.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-122.650 48.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [88.850 41.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-214.300 -32.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [194.650 -30.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-214.300 31.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [200.100 31.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.416 0.000] [0.000 0.416] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 23 file offset 0x1b64 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.701 0.000] [0.000 0.701] [97.200 53.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-135.650 -60.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [118.750 -54.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-133.800 53.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [100.150 46.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-228.500 -34.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [208.150 -32.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-228.500 33.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [213.550 33.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.376 0.000] [0.000 0.376] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 24 file offset 0x1bd1 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.735 0.000] [0.000 0.735] [85.900 47.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-143.850 -64.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [128.650 -59.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-144.950 57.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [112.000 52.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-241.850 -36.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [220.950 -34.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-241.850 35.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [226.250 35.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.338 0.000] [0.000 0.338] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 25 file offset 0x1c3f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.768 0.000] [0.000 0.768] [75.300 41.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-151.500 -68.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [138.550 -63.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-156.100 62.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [124.400 58.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-254.300 -38.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [233.000 -36.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-254.300 37.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [238.150 36.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.302 0.000] [0.000 0.302] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 26 file offset 0x1cad -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.799 0.000] [0.000 0.799] [65.400 36.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-158.700 -71.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [148.450 -68.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-167.250 66.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [137.300 64.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-265.900 -39.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [244.350 -38.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-265.900 39.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [249.300 38.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.268 0.000] [0.000 0.268] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 27 file offset 0x1d1b -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.827 0.000] [0.000 0.827] [56.150 31.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-165.400 -74.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [158.350 -72.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-178.400 71.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [150.800 70.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-276.600 -41.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [255.050 -40.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-276.600 40.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [259.600 40.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.237 0.000] [0.000 0.237] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 28 file offset 0x1d89 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.854 0.000] [0.000 0.854] [47.500 26.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-171.650 -77.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [168.250 -77.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-189.550 75.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [164.800 76.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-286.400 -42.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [265.000 -41.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-286.400 42.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [269.200 41.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.207 0.000] [0.000 0.207] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 29 file offset 0x1df7 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.878 0.000] [0.000 0.878] [39.650 21.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-177.400 -79.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [178.150 -81.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-200.700 79.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 9 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [179.350 83.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-295.350 -44.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [274.250 -43.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-295.350 43.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [277.950 43.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.180 0.000] [0.000 0.180] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 30 file offset 0x1e65 -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 7 tagRemoveObject2 depth 9 tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.900 0.000] [0.000 0.900] [32.350 17.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-182.650 -82.000] tagDefineShape tagid 26 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (824.8,88.25) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (665.05,88.25). lineto: (665,87.45). hlineto: (664.65,87.45). vlineto: (664.65,86.25). curveto: (662.4,28.1)(620.9,-14.5) curveto: (578,-58.8)(519.45,-58) hlineto: (518.6,-58). vlineto: (518.6,-57). hlineto: (518.15,-57). vlineto: (518.15,-91.35). hlineto: (824.8,-91.35). vlineto: (824.8,88.25). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 6 tag 26 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 27 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-38.55,270.1) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (0.45,270.1). vlineto: (0.45,269.9). vlineto: (0.45,269.25). hlineto: (1.2,269.25). vlineto: (1.2,269.35). vlineto: (1.2,269.55). vlineto: (1.2,270.25). hlineto: (-37.15,270.25). curveto: (-34.7,327.95)(6.55,370.3) curveto: (49.25,414.4)(107.45,413.8) vlineto: (107.45,414.45). hlineto: (108.3,414.45). vlineto: (108.3,449.65). hlineto: (-215.3,449.65). vlineto: (-215.3,269.25). hlineto: (-38.55,269.25). vlineto: (-38.55,270.1). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (664.5,295) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (666.15,283.9)(666,272.2) hlineto: (825.8,272.2). vlineto: (825.8,452.65). hlineto: (519.1,452.65). vlineto: (519.1,417.4). curveto: (578.9,415.95)(622.45,373.6) curveto: (657.95,339.3)(664.5,295) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 8 move tag 27 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-303.450 -45.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [282.800 -44.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-303.450 44.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [285.900 44.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.155 0.000] [0.000 0.155] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 31 file offset 0x1f82 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.921 0.000] [0.000 0.921] [25.750 14.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-187.450 -84.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-310.650 -46.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [290.650 -45.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-310.650 45.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [293.100 45.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.132 0.000] [0.000 0.132] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 32 file offset 0x1fd2 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.939 0.000] [0.000 0.939] [19.800 10.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-191.750 -86.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-316.950 -47.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [297.800 -47.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-316.950 46.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [299.550 46.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.111 0.000] [0.000 0.111] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 33 file offset 0x2022 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.955 0.000] [0.000 0.955] [14.550 8.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-195.550 -87.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 10 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-322.400 -48.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 11 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [304.250 -48.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-322.400 47.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [305.150 47.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.093 0.000] [0.000 0.093] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 34 file offset 0x2072 -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 10 tagRemoveObject2 depth 11 tagRemoveObject2 depth 13 tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.970 0.000] [0.000 0.970] [9.900 5.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-198.900 -89.300] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 28 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-2.9,22.4) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (-2.9,-15.6). hlineto: (-3.35,-15.6). curveto: (-63.15,-14.25)(-106.7,28.2) curveto: (-151,71.1)(-150.2,129.65) vlineto: (-150.2,130.5). hlineto: (-111.2,130.5). vlineto: (-111.2,130.3). vlineto: (-111.2,129.65). curveto: (-110.95,85.75)(-79.8,54.6) lineto: (-72.65,48.05). lineto: (-66,42.75). lineto: (-37.1,27.95). curveto: (-21.3,22.65)(-3.35,22.65) hlineto: (-2.8,22.65). vlineto: (-2.8,22.4). hlineto: (-2.9,22.4). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (633.4,-15.65) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (633.4,23.35). hlineto: (633.6,23.35). hlineto: (634.25,23.35). curveto: (678.15,23.6)(709.3,54.75) curveto: (740.05,85.45)(740.7,128.6) vlineto: (740.7,129.8). vlineto: (740.7,130.45). vlineto: (740.7,130.6). hlineto: (779.5,130.6). lineto: (779.45,129.8). vlineto: (779.45,128.6). curveto: (777.2,70.45)(735.7,27.85) curveto: (692.8,-16.45)(634.25,-15.65) hlineto: (633.4,-15.65). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-5.55,333.7) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (-48.9,333.15)(-79.75,302.3) curveto: (-110.85,271.5)(-111.15,227.7) hlineto: (-149.5,227.7). curveto: (-147.05,285.4)(-105.8,327.75) curveto: (-63.1,371.85)(-4.9,371.25) hlineto: (-4.35,371.25). hlineto: (-3.5,371.25). vlineto: (-3.5,333.7). hlineto: (-4.05,333.7). hlineto: (-5.55,333.7). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (780.3,226.45) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (779.95,226.45). lineto: (780,227.25). hlineto: (741.2,227.25). vlineto: (741.2,227.1). vlineto: (741.2,226.45). hlineto: (741,226.45). vlineto: (741,227.25). curveto: (740.8,249.4)(732.7,268.2) lineto: (726.65,280.25). lineto: (719,291.4). curveto: (714.5,297.35)(708.95,302.85) curveto: (678,334.05)(634,334.25) vlineto: (634,371.8). hlineto: (633.15,371.8). hlineto: (632.6,371.8). vlineto: (632.6,372.45). hlineto: (633.45,372.45). curveto: (693.25,371)(736.8,328.65) curveto: (772.3,294.35)(778.85,250.05) curveto: (780.5,238.95)(780.35,227.25) lineto: (780.3,226.45). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 12 move tag 28 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.076 0.000] [0.000 0.076] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 35 file offset 0x21bc -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.982 0.000] [0.000 0.982] [5.950 3.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-201.750 -90.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.062 0.000] [0.000 0.062] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 36 file offset 0x21e3 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [0.992 0.000] [0.000 0.992] [2.650 1.500] tagDefineShape tagid 29 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-31.55,83.25) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-208.25,83.25). vlineto: (-208.25,-55.95). curveto: (-206.55,-67.4)(-206.8,-79.55) hlineto: (-208.25,-79.55). vlineto: (-208.25,-96.3). hlineto: (115.3,-96.3). vlineto: (115.3,-62). curveto: (55.5,-60.65)(11.95,-18.2) curveto: (-32.35,24.7)(-31.55,83.25) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 5 move tag 29 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.050 0.000] [0.000 0.050] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 37 file offset 0x2246 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 4 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 14 move [0.040 0.000] [0.000 0.040] [323.500 178.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 38 file offset 0x225c -----> tagDoAction action code 0x81 has length 2 gotoFrame 39 action code 0x06 play action code 0x00 tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 39 file offset 0x226b -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 2 tagRemoveObject2 depth 3 tagRemoveObject2 depth 4 tagRemoveObject2 depth 8 tagRemoveObject2 depth 12 tagRemoveObject2 depth 14 tagDefineShape tagid 30 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-0.35,36.55) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (14.7,36.25)(25.7,25.6) curveto: (36.85,14.8)(36.55,0.05) hlineto: (0.35,0.05). vlineto: (0.35,-36.5). curveto: (-14.7,-36.2)(-25.65,-25.55) curveto: (-36.8,-14.75)(-36.5,0.05) hlineto: (-0.35,0.05). vlineto: (-0.35,36.55). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 1 move tag 30 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [493.850 -78.650] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 31 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 0 moveto: (0.5,-26.85) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (11.6,-26.85)(19.35,-19) curveto: (27.2,-11.15)(27.2,-0.05) curveto: (27.2,11)(19.35,18.8) curveto: (11.6,26.65)(0.5,26.65) curveto: (-10.6,26.65)(-18.45,18.8) curveto: (-26.3,11)(-26.3,-0.05) curveto: (-26.3,-11.15)(-18.45,-19) curveto: (-10.6,-26.85)(0.5,-26.85) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (16.3,-15.8) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (22.85,-9.25)(22.85,0) curveto: (22.85,9.2)(16.3,15.75) curveto: (9.75,22.3)(0.55,22.3) curveto: (-8.75,22.3)(-15.3,15.75) curveto: (-21.9,9.2)(-21.85,0) curveto: (-21.9,-9.25)(-15.3,-15.8) curveto: (-8.75,-22.35)(0.55,-22.35) curveto: (9.75,-22.35)(16.3,-15.8) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (0.3,-12.55) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (5.4,-12.6)(9.15,-9.05) curveto: (12.9,-5.45)(12.95,-0.3) curveto: (13.05,4.85)(9.45,8.55) curveto: (5.85,12.3)(0.7,12.4) curveto: (-4.45,12.45)(-8.15,8.85) curveto: (-11.8,5.25)(-11.95,0.15) curveto: (-12,-4.95)(-8.5,-8.7) curveto: (-4.9,-12.4)(0.3,-12.55) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 0 moveto: (4.8,-4.6) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (6.7,-2.8)(6.75,-0.2) curveto: (6.85,2.4)(4.95,4.25) curveto: (3.15,6.1)(0.55,6.2) curveto: (-2,6.25)(-3.9,4.4) curveto: (-5.7,2.6)(-5.75,0) curveto: (-5.85,-2.6)(-4.05,-4.45) curveto: (-2.25,-6.25)(0.35,-6.35) curveto: (2.95,-6.4)(4.8,-4.6) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 5 move tag 31 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [493.350 -78.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 6 move tag 1 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [315.950 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 7 tag 2 [0.583 0.000] [0.000 0.583] [511.850 282.100] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 40 file offset 0x23d5 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.847 -0.526] [0.526 -0.847] [493.400 -20.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.912 0.407] [-0.407 -0.912] [493.850 -20.900] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 41 file offset 0x23ff -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.383 0.921] [-0.921 0.383] [495.900 37.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.717 -0.695] [0.695 0.717] [495.550 37.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 42 file offset 0x2429 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.395 -0.916] [0.916 0.395] [495.250 93.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.585 0.809] [-0.809 -0.585] [495.550 93.200] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 43 file offset 0x2453 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.960 0.267] [-0.267 -0.960] [489.450 148.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.519 -0.853] [0.853 0.519] [489.200 149.300] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 44 file offset 0x247d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.826 0.560] [-0.560 0.826] [478.300 202.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.427 0.903] [-0.903 -0.427] [478.500 201.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 45 file offset 0x24a7 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.530 -0.845] [0.845 0.530] [453.150 247.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.841 -0.538] [0.538 0.841] [452.750 248.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 46 file offset 0x24d1 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.946 -0.317] [0.317 -0.946] [409.600 275.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.978 0.204] [-0.204 -0.978] [410.050 275.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 47 file offset 0x24fa -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.008 1.000] [-1.000 0.008] [360.100 290.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.998 0.058] [-0.058 0.998] [359.550 290.600] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 48 file offset 0x2521 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.926 -0.370] [0.370 0.926] [311.300 297.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.959 -0.280] [0.280 -0.959] [311.850 297.600] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 49 file offset 0x2549 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.626 -0.777] [0.777 -0.626] [262.750 302.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.832 0.552] [-0.552 0.832] [262.300 302.400] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 50 file offset 0x2573 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.616 0.784] [-0.784 -0.616] [216.150 301.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.577 -0.815] [0.815 -0.577] [216.450 301.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 51 file offset 0x259d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.772 0.633] [-0.633 0.772] [170.550 291.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.001 1.000] [-1.000 -0.001] [170.500 290.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 52 file offset 0x25c4 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.636 -0.769] [0.769 0.636] [130.600 270.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.567 -0.822] [0.822 0.567] [130.300 271.150] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 53 file offset 0x25ee -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.682 -0.728] [0.728 -0.682] [95.050 241.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.969 0.243] [-0.243 -0.969] [95.550 241.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 54 file offset 0x2617 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.737 0.672] [-0.672 -0.737] [66.700 208.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.932 0.359] [-0.359 0.932] [66.200 208.200] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 55 file offset 0x2640 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.620 0.783] [-0.783 0.620] [42.250 174.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.512 -0.857] [0.857 -0.512] [42.550 175.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 56 file offset 0x2668 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.921 -0.382] [0.382 0.921] [22.650 140.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.330 0.943] [-0.943 -0.330] [22.750 139.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 57 file offset 0x2690 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.345 -0.936] [0.936 -0.345] [4.150 105.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.827 -0.559] [0.559 0.827] [3.800 105.450] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 58 file offset 0x26b8 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.997 -0.039] [0.039 -0.997] [-10.500 68.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.923 -0.383] [0.383 -0.923] [-10.100 68.850] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 59 file offset 0x26df -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.326 0.943] [-0.943 -0.326] [-23.850 34.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.284 0.958] [-0.958 0.284] [-24.050 33.850] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 60 file offset 0x2707 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.616 0.786] [-0.786 0.616] [-29.850 -1.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.772 -0.633] [0.633 0.772] [-30.150 -1.050] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 61 file offset 0x272f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.996 0.053] [-0.053 0.996] [-28.750 -37.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.809 -0.585] [0.585 -0.809] [-28.350 -37.150] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 62 file offset 0x2756 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.986 -0.153] [0.153 0.986] [-5.650 -60.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.850 0.523] [-0.523 -0.850] [-5.250 -61.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 63 file offset 0x277e -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.755 -0.653] [0.653 0.755] [26.850 -66.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.493 0.868] [-0.868 0.493] [26.600 -66.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 64 file offset 0x27a6 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.519 -0.852] [0.852 0.519] [57.000 -55.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.974 -0.225] [0.225 0.974] [56.500 -55.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 65 file offset 0x27ce -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.294 -0.955] [0.955 0.294] [71.350 -28.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [0.123 -0.992] [0.992 0.123] [71.350 -27.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 66 file offset 0x27f5 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.182 -0.981] [0.981 -0.182] [71.200 1.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.972 -0.234] [0.234 -0.972] [71.750 1.450] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 67 file offset 0x281d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.782 -0.620] [0.620 -0.782] [65.000 30.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [-0.118 0.993] [-0.993 -0.118] [64.950 29.850] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 68 file offset 0x2844 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [59.500 58.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 8 tag 30 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [71.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 12 tag 31 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [71.750 27.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 69 file offset 0x2878 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.560 0.827] [-0.827 0.560] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.143 -0.263] [0.263 0.143] [176.050 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [-0.137 -0.266] [0.266 -0.137] [176.100 27.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 70 file offset 0x28b3 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.367 0.929] [-0.929 -0.367] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.248 0.167] [-0.167 -0.248] [270.250 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [0.247 0.170] [-0.170 0.247] [270.050 27.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 71 file offset 0x28ee -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.975 0.217] [-0.217 -0.975] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.035 -0.298] [0.298 -0.035] [354.650 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [-0.030 0.298] [-0.298 -0.030] [354.600 27.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 72 file offset 0x2927 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.729 -0.682] [0.682 -0.729] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.101 -0.281] [0.281 0.101] [429.350 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [0.119 0.275] [-0.275 0.119] [429.300 27.550] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 73 file offset 0x2962 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.153 -0.988] [0.988 0.153] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.210 -0.213] [0.213 -0.210] [494.450 27.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [0.179 -0.240] [0.240 0.179] [494.400 27.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 74 file offset 0x299d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.903 -0.427] [0.427 0.903] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.099 0.283] [-0.283 0.099] [549.300 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [-0.031 0.298] [-0.298 -0.031] [549.300 27.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 75 file offset 0x29d8 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.862 0.504] [-0.504 0.862] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.298 -0.026] [0.026 -0.298] [594.600 27.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [-0.271 0.128] [-0.128 -0.271] [594.750 27.450] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 76 file offset 0x2a12 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.066 0.998] [-0.998 0.066] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.262 -0.144] [0.144 -0.262] [630.050 27.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [-0.161 0.252] [-0.252 -0.161] [630.150 27.450] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 77 file offset 0x2a4c -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.786 0.616] [-0.616 -0.786] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.236 0.185] [-0.185 -0.236] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 12 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [655.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 53 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [-10.500 145.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 78 file offset 0x2a93 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.952 -0.302] [0.302 -0.952] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.286 -0.090] [0.090 -0.286] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 13 tag 30 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [79.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 17 tag 31 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [79.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [20.250 199.100] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 79 file offset 0x2ae9 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.284 -0.958] [0.958 -0.284] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.085 -0.287] [0.287 -0.085] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.121 0.274] [-0.274 0.121] [157.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [0.295 0.054] [-0.054 0.295] [157.650 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [55.950 246.050] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 80 file offset 0x2b43 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.633 -0.772] [0.772 0.633] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.190 -0.232] [0.232 0.190] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.043 0.296] [-0.296 0.043] [230.350 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [0.260 -0.149] [0.149 0.260] [230.200 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [97.700 284.400] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 81 file offset 0x2b9e -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.996 0.088] [-0.088 0.996] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.299 0.026] [-0.026 0.299] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.208 0.216] [-0.216 0.208] [297.400 27.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [-0.156 -0.256] [0.256 -0.156] [297.450 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [144.650 311.900] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 82 file offset 0x2bf8 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.485 0.873] [-0.873 0.485] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.146 0.262] [-0.262 0.146] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.226 -0.197] [0.197 0.226] [358.800 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [-0.030 0.298] [-0.298 -0.030] [358.750 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [193.100 328.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 83 file offset 0x2c53 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.447 0.893] [-0.893 -0.447] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.134 0.268] [-0.268 -0.134] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.300 -0.008] [0.008 -0.300] [415.150 27.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [-0.038 -0.297] [0.297 -0.038] [415.200 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [241.150 333.900] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 84 file offset 0x2cae -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.991 0.131] [-0.131 -0.991] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.297 0.039] [-0.039 -0.297] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.297 -0.039] [0.039 0.297] [465.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [0.285 0.092] [-0.092 0.285] [465.600 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [287.350 331.600] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 85 file offset 0x2d0a -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.666 -0.744] [0.744 -0.666] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.200 -0.223] [0.223 -0.200] [655.900 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.116 0.276] [-0.276 -0.116] [510.950 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [0.039 0.297] [-0.297 0.039] [510.900 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 18 tag 30 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [107.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 22 tag 31 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [106.850 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [330.950 325.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 86 file offset 0x2d86 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.239 -0.970] [0.970 0.239] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.072 -0.291] [0.291 0.072] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.300 -0.012] [0.012 -0.300] [550.800 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [-0.031 0.298] [-0.298 -0.031] [550.750 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.168 0.248] [-0.248 0.168] [244.050 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 22 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [243.900 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [371.900 317.400] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 87 file offset 0x2e02 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.937 -0.346] [0.346 0.937] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.281 -0.104] [0.104 0.281] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.280 -0.105] [0.105 -0.280] [585.250 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [0.156 0.256] [-0.256 0.156] [585.150 27.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.110 0.279] [-0.279 -0.110] [363.250 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 22 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [363.100 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [409.000 309.150] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 88 file offset 0x2e7f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.812 0.581] [-0.581 0.812] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.244 0.174] [-0.174 0.244] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.292 0.065] [-0.065 -0.292] [614.350 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [0.259 -0.150] [0.150 0.259] [614.200 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.293 0.065] [-0.065 -0.293] [464.500 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 22 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [464.400 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 28 tag 30 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [79.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 32 tag 31 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [79.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [441.350 296.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 89 file offset 0x2f1e -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.022 1.000] [-1.000 -0.022] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.007 0.300] [-0.300 -0.007] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.031 0.298] [-0.298 0.031] [637.750 27.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [-0.295 -0.055] [0.055 -0.295] [637.850 27.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.219 -0.205] [0.205 -0.219] [548.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 22 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [547.850 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.269 0.131] [-0.131 0.269] [230.350 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 32 move [0.260 -0.149] [0.149 0.260] [230.200 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [466.650 274.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 90 file offset 0x2fc1 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.839 0.542] [-0.542 -0.839] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.252 0.163] [-0.163 -0.252] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.236 0.185] [-0.185 -0.236] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 17 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [655.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.046 -0.296] [0.296 0.046] [613.550 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 22 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [613.400 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.266 -0.137] [0.137 -0.266] [358.800 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 32 move [-0.030 0.298] [-0.298 -0.030] [358.750 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [486.650 250.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 91 file offset 0x3061 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.921 -0.387] [0.387 -0.921] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.276 -0.116] [0.116 -0.276] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.286 -0.090] [0.090 -0.286] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.271 -0.128] [0.128 0.271] [661.200 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 22 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [661.050 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 23 tag 30 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [79.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 27 tag 31 [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [79.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.298 -0.028] [0.028 -0.298] [465.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 32 move [0.285 0.092] [-0.092 0.285] [465.600 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [500.200 225.350] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 92 file offset 0x3112 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.196 -0.980] [0.980 -0.196] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.059 -0.294] [0.294 -0.059] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.085 -0.287] [0.287 -0.085] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.259 0.151] [-0.151 0.259] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 22 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [690.850 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.121 0.274] [-0.274 0.121] [157.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [0.295 0.054] [-0.054 0.295] [157.650 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.226 -0.196] [0.196 0.226] [550.800 27.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 32 move [-0.031 0.298] [-0.298 -0.031] [550.750 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [508.700 200.150] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 93 file offset 0x31c8 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.698 -0.714] [0.714 0.698] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.209 -0.214] [0.214 0.209] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.190 -0.232] [0.232 0.190] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.020 0.299] [-0.299 0.020] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.043 0.296] [-0.296 0.043] [230.350 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [0.260 -0.149] [0.149 0.260] [230.200 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.109 -0.279] [0.279 -0.109] [614.400 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 32 move [0.259 -0.150] [0.150 0.259] [614.200 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [514.450 177.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 94 file offset 0x326f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.984 0.174] [-0.174 0.984] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.295 0.052] [-0.052 0.295] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.299 0.026] [-0.026 0.299] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.236 0.185] [-0.185 -0.236] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.208 0.216] [-0.216 0.208] [297.400 27.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [-0.156 -0.256] [0.256 -0.156] [297.450 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.236 0.185] [-0.185 -0.236] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 32 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [655.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [518.600 157.950] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 95 file offset 0x3313 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.407 0.912] [-0.912 0.407] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.122 0.274] [-0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.146 0.262] [-0.262 0.146] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.286 -0.090] [0.090 -0.286] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.226 -0.197] [0.197 0.226] [358.800 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [-0.030 0.298] [-0.298 -0.030] [358.750 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.286 -0.090] [0.090 -0.286] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [521.700 140.900] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 96 file offset 0x33a8 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.523 0.851] [-0.851 -0.523] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.157 0.255] [-0.255 -0.157] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.134 0.268] [-0.268 -0.134] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.085 -0.287] [0.287 -0.085] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.300 -0.008] [0.008 -0.300] [415.150 27.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [-0.038 -0.297] [0.297 -0.038] [415.200 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.085 -0.287] [0.287 -0.085] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [524.050 126.600] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 97 file offset 0x343d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.999 0.044] [-0.044 -0.999] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.300 0.013] [-0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.297 0.039] [-0.039 -0.297] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.190 -0.232] [0.232 0.190] [691.050 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.297 -0.039] [0.039 0.297] [465.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [0.285 0.092] [-0.092 0.285] [465.600 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.190 -0.232] [0.232 0.190] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [525.800 114.950] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 98 file offset 0x34d1 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.598 -0.799] [0.799 -0.598] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.180 -0.240] [0.240 -0.180] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.200 -0.223] [0.223 -0.200] [655.900 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.299 0.026] [-0.026 0.299] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.116 0.276] [-0.276 -0.116] [510.950 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [0.039 0.297] [-0.297 0.039] [510.900 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.299 0.026] [-0.026 0.299] [655.900 27.700] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 32 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (26.25,24.2) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (23.75,36.5). hlineto: (26.05,36.5). lineto: (27.05,31.6). curveto: (27.55,33.15)(29.5,33.15) curveto: (31.6,33.15)(32.9,31.4) curveto: (34.05,29.7)(34.05,27.55) curveto: (34.05,25.85)(33.25,25) curveto: (32.45,24)(30.85,24) curveto: (29.2,24)(28.2,25.35) hlineto: (28.15,25.35). lineto: (28.4,24.2). hlineto: (26.25,24.2). moveto: (28.3,26.95) curveto: (29,25.75)(30.05,25.75) curveto: (30.85,25.75)(31.25,26.3) curveto: (31.65,26.7)(31.65,27.65) curveto: (31.65,29)(31.15,30) curveto: (30.4,31.4)(29.15,31.4) curveto: (27.65,31.4)(27.65,29.35) curveto: (27.65,28.15)(28.3,26.95) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (43,24.05) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (42.55,26.3). lineto: (41.65,26.2). curveto: (39.6,26.2)(39,29.05) lineto: (38.15,32.95). hlineto: (35.9,32.95). lineto: (37.65,24.2). hlineto: (39.85,24.2). lineto: (39.55,25.85). curveto: (39.85,25.1)(40.65,24.55) curveto: (41.35,24)(42.15,24) lineto: (43,24.05). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (45.35,25.45) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (43.85,26.95)(43.85,29.15) curveto: (43.85,31.05)(44.95,32.1) curveto: (46,33.15)(47.85,33.15) curveto: (50.2,33.15)(51.6,31.65) curveto: (53.05,30.15)(53.05,27.85) curveto: (53.05,26.05)(51.95,25) curveto: (50.9,24)(49.05,24) curveto: (46.8,24)(45.35,25.45) moveto: (50,30.2) curveto: (49.25,31.4)(48,31.4) curveto: (46.25,31.4)(46.25,29.35) curveto: (46.25,27.95)(46.9,26.95) curveto: (47.75,25.75)(48.95,25.75) curveto: (50.7,25.75)(50.7,27.85) curveto: (50.7,29.05)(50,30.2) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (62.9,20.25) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (62.35,21.9). lineto: (61.65,21.75). curveto: (60.85,21.75)(60.4,22.65) lineto: (59.9,24.2). hlineto: (61.95,24.2). lineto: (61.6,25.9). hlineto: (59.55,25.9). lineto: (58.05,32.95). hlineto: (55.75,32.95). lineto: (57.25,25.9). hlineto: (55.5,25.9). lineto: (55.85,24.2). hlineto: (57.6,24.2). curveto: (58.05,22.1)(58.7,21.25) curveto: (59.65,20)(61.5,20) lineto: (62.9,20.25). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (63.9,32.25) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (65.05,33.15)(66.95,33.15) lineto: (69.75,32.65). lineto: (70.05,30.85). curveto: (68.6,31.5)(67.35,31.5) curveto: (64.95,31.5)(64.95,29.25) hlineto: (71.1,29.25). lineto: (71.35,27.3). curveto: (71.35,25.7)(70.4,24.85) curveto: (69.5,24)(67.75,24) curveto: (65.65,24)(64.15,25.65) curveto: (62.75,27.2)(62.75,29.35) curveto: (62.75,31.2)(63.9,32.25) moveto: (66.1,26.25) curveto: (66.7,25.65)(67.7,25.65) curveto: (69.15,25.65)(69.15,27.1) lineto: (69.1,27.7). hlineto: (65.25,27.7). curveto: (65.65,26.65)(66.1,26.25) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (76.15,29.05) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (75.3,32.95). hlineto: (73.05,32.95). lineto: (74.8,24.2). hlineto: (77,24.2). lineto: (76.65,25.85). hlineto: (76.7,25.85). curveto: (77,25.1)(77.8,24.55) curveto: (78.4,24)(79.3,24) lineto: (80.15,24.05). lineto: (79.7,26.3). lineto: (78.8,26.2). curveto: (76.7,26.2)(76.15,29.05) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (86.2,24) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (83.95,24)(82.5,25.45) curveto: (81,26.95)(81,29.15) curveto: (81,31.05)(82.05,32.1) curveto: (83.2,33.15)(85,33.15) curveto: (87.35,33.15)(88.75,31.65) curveto: (90.2,30.15)(90.2,27.85) curveto: (90.2,26.05)(89.1,25) curveto: (88.05,24)(86.2,24) moveto: (87.15,30.2) curveto: (86.4,31.4)(85.15,31.4) curveto: (83.4,31.4)(83.4,29.35) curveto: (83.4,27.95)(84.05,26.95) curveto: (84.8,25.75)(86.1,25.75) curveto: (87.8,25.75)(87.8,27.85) curveto: (87.8,29.1)(87.15,30.2) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 39 tag 32 [0.408 0.000] [0.000 0.408] [72.050 15.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 99 file offset 0x373f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.322 -0.946] [0.946 0.322] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.097 -0.284] [0.284 0.097] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.072 -0.291] [0.291 0.072] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.146 0.262] [-0.262 0.146] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.300 -0.012] [0.012 -0.300] [550.800 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [-0.031 0.298] [-0.298 -0.031] [550.750 27.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.146 0.262] [-0.262 0.146] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.491 0.000] [0.000 0.491] [133.000 13.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [525.000 120.550] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 33 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffe0e0e0 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (25,-0.3) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (24.8,-10.75)(17.4,-18.4) curveto: (9.9,-26.15)(-0.35,-25.95) vlineto: (-0.35,-0.3). hlineto: (25,-0.3). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffe0e0e0 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-25.7,-0.3) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (-25.5,10.15)(-18.1,17.75) curveto: (-10.6,25.5)(-0.35,25.3) vlineto: (-0.35,-0.3). hlineto: (-25.7,-0.3). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 0 moveto: (18.25,-0.35) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (18.25,7.35)(12.8,12.8) curveto: (7.35,18.25)(-0.35,18.25) curveto: (-8.05,18.25)(-13.5,12.8) curveto: (-18.95,7.35)(-18.95,-0.35) curveto: (-18.95,-8.05)(-13.5,-13.45) curveto: (-8.05,-18.9)(-0.35,-18.9) curveto: (7.35,-18.9)(12.8,-13.45) curveto: (18.25,-8.05)(18.25,-0.35) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (15.15,-0.3) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (15.15,6.1)(10.6,10.65) curveto: (6.05,15.2)(-0.35,15.2) curveto: (-6.75,15.2)(-11.3,10.65) curveto: (-15.85,6.1)(-15.85,-0.3) curveto: (-15.85,-6.75)(-11.3,-11.3) curveto: (-6.75,-15.85)(-0.35,-15.85) curveto: (6.05,-15.85)(10.6,-11.3) curveto: (15.15,-6.75)(15.15,-0.3) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffcedc6 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (13.2,-0.3) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (13.2,5.3)(9.25,9.25) curveto: (5.25,13.2)(-0.35,13.2) curveto: (-5.95,13.2)(-9.95,9.25) curveto: (-13.9,5.3)(-13.9,-0.3) curveto: (-13.9,-5.9)(-9.95,-9.9) curveto: (-5.95,-13.85)(-0.35,-13.85) curveto: (5.3,-13.85)(9.25,-9.9) curveto: (13.2,-5.9)(13.2,-0.3) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (2.75,-6.5) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (2.35,-5.05). curveto: (1.1,-6.85)(-1.05,-6.85) curveto: (-4.2,-6.85)(-6.6,-4.15) curveto: (-8.95,-1.5)(-8.95,1.75) curveto: (-8.95,4.2)(-7.7,5.7) curveto: (-6.4,7.25)(-4.05,7.25) curveto: (-1.75,7.25)(0.35,4.25) curveto: (0.65,7.45)(3.1,7.45) curveto: (6,7.45)(9,4.25) curveto: (11.6,1.35)(11.6,-3) curveto: (11.6,-7.4)(8.25,-10.6) curveto: (4.75,-13.9)(-0.45,-13.9) curveto: (-6.3,-13.9)(-10.15,-9.8) curveto: (-13.85,-5.8)(-13.85,0) curveto: (-13.85,5.8)(-9.8,9.6) curveto: (-5.9,13.3)(-0.15,13.3) curveto: (3.5,13.3)(6.75,11.3) curveto: (10.05,9.3)(11.7,6.05) hlineto: (8.95,6.05). curveto: (5.7,11.05)(0.25,11.05) curveto: (-4.8,11.05)(-7.9,8) curveto: (-11.1,4.9)(-11.1,-0.3) curveto: (-11.1,-5.35)(-8.1,-8.5) curveto: (-5.05,-11.65)(-0.2,-11.65) curveto: (4.3,-11.65)(6.95,-8.9) curveto: (9.35,-6.4)(9.35,-2.95) curveto: (9.35,0.6)(7.6,3.1) curveto: (6.05,5.25)(4.5,5.25) curveto: (3.2,5.25)(3.85,2.8) lineto: (6.35,-6.5). hlineto: (2.75,-6.5). moveto: (1.25,-2.65) curveto: (1.25,0.75)(-0.45,3.2) curveto: (-1.9,5.25)(-3.35,5.25) curveto: (-5,5.25)(-5,3.05) curveto: (-5,0.75)(-3.8,-1.8) curveto: (-2.4,-4.85)(-0.45,-4.85) curveto: (1.25,-4.85)(1.25,-2.65) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 65 tag 33 [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [99.350 59.350] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 100 file offset 0x398a -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.965 -0.260] [0.260 0.965] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.289 -0.078] [0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.281 -0.104] [0.104 0.281] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.134 0.268] [-0.268 -0.134] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.280 -0.105] [0.105 -0.280] [585.250 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [0.156 0.256] [-0.256 0.156] [585.150 27.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.134 0.268] [-0.268 -0.134] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.569 0.000] [0.000 0.569] [189.650 11.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [524.000 127.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [147.300 86.150] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 101 file offset 0x3a3c -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.758 0.650] [-0.650 0.758] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.227 0.195] [-0.195 0.227] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.244 0.174] [-0.174 0.244] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.297 0.039] [-0.039 -0.297] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.292 0.065] [-0.065 -0.292] [614.350 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [0.259 -0.150] [0.150 0.259] [614.200 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.297 0.039] [-0.039 -0.297] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.640 0.000] [0.000 0.640] [242.000 8.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [522.800 134.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [192.600 111.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 102 file offset 0x3aef -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.109 0.994] [-0.994 -0.109] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.033 0.298] [-0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.007 0.300] [-0.300 -0.007] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.200 -0.223] [0.223 -0.200] [691.000 25.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.031 0.298] [-0.298 0.031] [637.750 27.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [-0.295 -0.055] [0.055 -0.295] [637.850 27.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.200 -0.223] [0.223 -0.200] [655.900 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.706 0.000] [0.000 0.706] [290.050 7.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [521.300 143.200] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 34 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffe0e0e0 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (25,0.4) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (24.8,-10.05)(17.4,-17.65) curveto: (9.9,-25.4)(-0.35,-25.25) vlineto: (-0.35,0.4). hlineto: (25,0.4). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffe0e0e0 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-25.7,0.4) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (-25.5,10.85)(-18.1,18.45) curveto: (-10.6,26.2)(-0.35,26) vlineto: (-0.35,0.4). hlineto: (-25.7,0.4). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-13.5,-12.75) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (-8.05,-18.2)(-0.35,-18.2) curveto: (7.35,-18.2)(12.75,-12.75) curveto: (18.2,-7.35)(18.2,0.35) curveto: (18.2,8.05)(12.75,13.5) curveto: (7.35,18.95)(-0.35,18.95) curveto: (-8.05,18.95)(-13.5,13.5) curveto: (-18.95,8.05)(-18.95,0.35) curveto: (-18.95,-7.35)(-13.5,-12.75) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-11.3,-10.6) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (-6.8,-15.15)(-0.35,-15.15) curveto: (6.05,-15.15)(10.6,-10.6) curveto: (15.15,-6.05)(15.15,0.4) curveto: (15.15,6.8)(10.6,11.35) curveto: (6.05,15.9)(-0.35,15.9) curveto: (-6.8,15.9)(-11.3,11.35) curveto: (-15.85,6.8)(-15.85,0.4) curveto: (-15.85,-6.05)(-11.3,-10.6) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (5.85,6.4) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (3.35,8.95)(-0.2,9) curveto: (-3.75,9.1)(-6.35,6.6) curveto: (-8.9,4.1)(-9,0.55) curveto: (-9.05,-3.05)(-6.6,-5.6) curveto: (-4.1,-8.15)(-0.5,-8.25) curveto: (3.05,-8.3)(5.65,-5.85) curveto: (8.25,-3.35)(8.3,0.25) curveto: (8.35,3.8)(5.85,6.4) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-0.3,4.75) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) curveto: (-2.1,4.8)(-3.4,3.5) curveto: (-4.65,2.25)(-4.7,0.45) curveto: (-4.75,-1.35)(-3.5,-2.65) curveto: (-2.25,-3.95)(-0.45,-3.95) curveto: (1.35,-4)(2.65,-2.75) curveto: (3.95,-1.5)(4,0.3) curveto: (4.05,2.1)(2.8,3.4) curveto: (1.55,4.7)(-0.3,4.75) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 59 tag 34 [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [95.200 51.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [235.250 135.350] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 103 file offset 0x3cc8 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.883 0.466] [-0.466 -0.883] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.265 0.140] [-0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.252 0.163] [-0.163 -0.252] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.072 -0.291] [0.291 0.072] [690.950 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.236 0.185] [-0.185 -0.236] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 27 move [0.300 0.000] [0.000 0.300] [655.750 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.072 -0.291] [0.291 0.072] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.766 0.000] [0.000 0.766] [333.850 5.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [519.550 152.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [150.050 86.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [275.250 157.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 104 file offset 0x3d86 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.883 -0.466] [0.466 -0.883] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.265 -0.140] [0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.276 -0.116] [0.116 -0.276] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.281 -0.104] [0.104 0.281] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.286 -0.090] [0.090 -0.286] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.281 -0.104] [0.104 0.281] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.820 0.000] [0.000 0.820] [373.350 3.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [517.450 163.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [201.500 119.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [312.650 178.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 105 file offset 0x3e35 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.109 -0.994] [0.994 -0.109] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.033 -0.298] [0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.059 -0.294] [0.294 -0.059] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.244 0.174] [-0.174 0.244] [691.050 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.085 -0.287] [0.287 -0.085] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.244 0.174] [-0.174 0.244] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.868 0.000] [0.000 0.868] [408.500 2.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [514.950 175.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [249.600 150.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [347.350 198.050] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 106 file offset 0x3ee4 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.758 -0.650] [0.650 0.758] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.227 -0.195] [0.195 0.227] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.209 -0.214] [0.214 0.209] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.007 0.300] [-0.300 -0.007] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.190 -0.232] [0.232 0.190] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.007 0.300] [-0.300 -0.007] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.910 0.000] [0.000 0.910] [439.400 1.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 51 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [531.750 479.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [511.900 188.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [294.300 179.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [379.450 216.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 107 file offset 0x3fa3 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.965 0.260] [-0.260 0.965] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.289 0.078] [-0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.295 0.052] [-0.052 0.295] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.252 0.163] [-0.163 -0.252] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.299 0.026] [-0.026 0.299] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.252 0.163] [-0.163 -0.252] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.946 0.000] [0.000 0.946] [466.000 -0.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 47 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.400 417.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 49 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.400 391.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [531.800 460.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [508.150 202.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [335.650 205.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [408.950 232.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 108 file offset 0x4083 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.322 0.946] [-0.946 0.322] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.097 0.284] [-0.284 0.097] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.122 0.274] [-0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.276 -0.116] [0.116 -0.276] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.146 0.262] [-0.262 0.146] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.276 -0.116] [0.116 -0.276] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [0.977 0.000] [0.000 0.977] [488.300 -0.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 45 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 376.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.250 365.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.250 347.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [531.850 435.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [503.400 216.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [373.550 229.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [435.750 247.500] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 109 file offset 0x4171 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.598 0.799] [-0.799 -0.598] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.180 0.240] [-0.240 -0.180] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.157 0.255] [-0.255 -0.157] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.059 -0.294] [0.294 -0.059] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.134 0.268] [-0.268 -0.134] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.059 -0.294] [0.294 -0.059] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [1.001 0.000] [0.000 1.001] [506.350 -1.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 346.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.100 318.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.150 307.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [531.900 404.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [497.250 232.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [408.100 251.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [459.950 261.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 110 file offset 0x425d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.999 -0.044] [0.044 -0.999] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.300 -0.013] [0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.300 0.013] [-0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.209 -0.214] [0.214 0.209] [691.050 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.297 0.039] [-0.039 -0.297] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.209 -0.214] [0.214 0.209] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 39 move [1.020 0.000] [0.000 1.020] [520.050 -2.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 43 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 369.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 319.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.000 277.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [533.000 271.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.000 368.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [488.650 247.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [439.300 271.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [481.500 273.050] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 111 file offset 0x4357 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.523 -0.851] [0.851 -0.523] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.157 -0.255] [0.255 -0.157] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.180 -0.240] [0.240 -0.180] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.295 0.052] [-0.052 0.295] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.200 -0.223] [0.223 -0.200] [655.900 27.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.295 0.052] [-0.052 0.295] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 41 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 383.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 346.200] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 294.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.850 242.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.900 238.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.100 325.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [476.850 262.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [467.100 289.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [500.400 283.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 112 file offset 0x4454 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.407 -0.912] [0.912 0.407] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.122 -0.274] [0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.097 -0.284] [0.284 0.097] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.122 0.274] [-0.274 0.122] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.072 -0.291] [0.291 0.072] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.122 0.274] [-0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 362.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 324.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 272.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.800 212.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.800 210.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.200 276.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [463.550 277.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [491.500 305.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [516.650 292.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 113 file offset 0x454f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.984 -0.174] [0.174 0.984] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.295 -0.052] [0.052 0.295] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.289 -0.078] [0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.157 0.255] [-0.255 -0.157] [691.050 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.281 -0.104] [0.104 0.281] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.157 0.255] [-0.255 -0.157] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 342.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 304.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 252.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.700 189.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.750 185.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.300 221.950] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [448.050 292.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [512.500 318.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 65 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [530.300 300.350] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 114 file offset 0x464a -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.698 0.714] [-0.714 0.698] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.209 0.214] [-0.214 0.209] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.227 0.195] [-0.195 0.227] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.300 0.013] [-0.013 -0.300] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.244 0.174] [-0.174 0.244] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.300 0.013] [-0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 324.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 286.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 234.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.650 171.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.700 164.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.450 161.300] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [427.700 303.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 59 move [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [530.150 329.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 115 file offset 0x4734 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.196 0.980] [-0.980 -0.196] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.059 0.294] [-0.294 -0.059] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.033 0.298] [-0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.180 -0.240] [0.240 -0.180] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.007 0.300] [-0.300 -0.007] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.180 -0.240] [0.240 -0.180] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 308.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 269.400] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 219.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 159.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 146.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 51 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 94.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [404.200 310.400] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 35 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (88.5,-130.3) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) lineto: (90.25,-118.1). hlineto: (90.35,-118.1). lineto: (97,-130.3). hlineto: (100.05,-130.3). lineto: (89.6,-112.1). lineto: (87.55,-109.35). curveto: (86.35,-108.35)(84.4,-108.35) lineto: (82.25,-108.55). lineto: (82.75,-110.9). curveto: (83.2,-110.6)(83.95,-110.6) curveto: (86.3,-110.65)(88,-114.15) lineto: (85.55,-130.3). hlineto: (88.5,-130.3). moveto: (24.45,-126.65) lineto: (24,-123.45). lineto: (22.25,-115). hlineto: (19.4,-115). lineto: (21.45,-124.7). lineto: (21.65,-126.15). curveto: (21.65,-127.1)(21.05,-127.75) curveto: (20.45,-128.35)(19.4,-128.35) curveto: (17.45,-128.35)(16.05,-126.45) curveto: (14.9,-124.85)(14.45,-122.7) lineto: (12.7,-115). hlineto: (9.9,-115). lineto: (11.95,-124.7). lineto: (12.1,-126.15). curveto: (12.1,-127.1)(11.5,-127.75) curveto: (10.95,-128.35)(9.9,-128.35) curveto: (7.95,-128.35)(6.5,-126.45) curveto: (5.4,-124.85)(4.95,-122.7) lineto: (3.2,-115). hlineto: (0.4,-115). lineto: (3.2,-128.55). lineto: (3.5,-130.3). hlineto: (6.15,-130.3). lineto: (5.8,-128.2). hlineto: (5.85,-128.2). curveto: (7.5,-130.65)(10.7,-130.65) curveto: (12.15,-130.65)(13.3,-130) curveto: (14.4,-129.3)(14.75,-128) curveto: (17.05,-130.65)(20.2,-130.65) curveto: (22.05,-130.65)(23.25,-129.55) curveto: (24.45,-128.4)(24.45,-126.65) moveto: (37.5,-128.35) curveto: (35.1,-128.35)(33.5,-126.05) curveto: (32,-123.9)(32,-120.95) curveto: (32,-119.25)(32.95,-118.15) curveto: (34,-116.9)(35.8,-116.9) curveto: (38.1,-116.9)(39.55,-119.3) curveto: (40.9,-121.6)(40.9,-124.6) curveto: (40.9,-126.45)(40,-127.4) curveto: (39.05,-128.35)(37.5,-128.35) moveto: (33,-127.95) hlineto: (33.05,-127.95). curveto: (34.6,-130.65)(38.45,-130.65) curveto: (40.95,-130.65)(42.45,-129) curveto: (43.9,-127.4)(43.9,-124.85) curveto: (43.9,-120.45)(41.95,-117.65) curveto: (39.9,-114.65)(36.2,-114.65) curveto: (32.3,-114.65)(31.25,-117.3) hlineto: (31.15,-117.3). lineto: (29.35,-108.7). hlineto: (26.5,-108.7). lineto: (30.05,-125.2). lineto: (30.85,-130.3). hlineto: (33.45,-130.3). lineto: (33,-127.95). moveto: (68.2,-130.3) hlineto: (70.85,-130.3). lineto: (70.35,-127.9). hlineto: (70.4,-127.9). curveto: (72.15,-130.65)(75.65,-130.65) curveto: (77.95,-130.65)(79.3,-129.5) curveto: (80.75,-128.2)(80.75,-125.85) curveto: (80.75,-124.8)(80.35,-123.05) lineto: (78.7,-115). hlineto: (75.85,-115). lineto: (77.75,-124.15). lineto: (77.9,-125.6). curveto: (77.9,-126.8)(77.15,-127.6) curveto: (76.4,-128.35)(75.1,-128.35) curveto: (72.8,-128.35)(71.15,-126.25) curveto: (69.95,-124.65)(69.55,-122.7) lineto: (67.9,-115). hlineto: (65.1,-115). lineto: (67.75,-127.95). lineto: (68.2,-130.3). moveto: (59.15,-129.6) curveto: (61,-128.35)(61,-125.8) lineto: (60.75,-123.4). lineto: (59.15,-115). hlineto: (56.55,-115). lineto: (57.05,-117.55). hlineto: (57,-117.55). curveto: (56.3,-116.2)(54.95,-115.4) curveto: (53.6,-114.65)(52,-114.65) curveto: (49.95,-114.65)(48.6,-115.7) curveto: (47.15,-116.85)(47.15,-118.85) curveto: (47.15,-124.45)(56.2,-124.45) lineto: (58.25,-124.35). lineto: (58.4,-125.35). curveto: (58.4,-128.35)(54.9,-128.35) curveto: (52.35,-128.35)(50.2,-127.1) lineto: (50.7,-129.9). curveto: (53.05,-130.65)(54.95,-130.65) curveto: (57.55,-130.65)(59.15,-129.6) moveto: (57.65,-122.35) hlineto: (55.5,-122.35). curveto: (53.35,-122.35)(52,-121.7) curveto: (50.15,-120.85)(50.15,-119) curveto: (50.15,-118.05)(50.85,-117.5) curveto: (51.55,-116.9)(52.65,-116.9) curveto: (54.65,-116.9)(56.1,-118.65) curveto: (57.35,-120.2)(57.65,-122.35) moveto: (43.95,-51.3) lineto: (40.45,-34.9). curveto: (39.95,-32.5)(37.85,-31) curveto: (35.6,-29.35)(32.2,-29.35) curveto: (29.3,-29.35)(27.1,-30.45) lineto: (27.7,-32.95). curveto: (30.25,-31.6)(32.6,-31.6) curveto: (36.9,-31.6)(37.95,-36.1) lineto: (38.35,-37.75). hlineto: (38.3,-37.75). curveto: (36.8,-36)(33.7,-36) curveto: (31.5,-36)(29.85,-37.55) curveto: (28.05,-39.3)(28.05,-42.1) curveto: (28.05,-46.35)(30.2,-49) curveto: (32.4,-51.7)(35.75,-51.65) curveto: (39.5,-51.65)(40.75,-48.6) hlineto: (40.8,-48.6). lineto: (41.35,-51.3). hlineto: (43.95,-51.3). moveto: (5,-51.3) lineto: (1.75,-36). hlineto: (-1.05,-36). lineto: (2.15,-51.3). hlineto: (5,-51.3). moveto: (3.4,-57.9) hlineto: (6.6,-57.9). lineto: (5.9,-54.7). hlineto: (2.75,-54.7). lineto: (3.4,-57.9). moveto: (22.3,-50.5) curveto: (23.75,-49.2)(23.75,-46.85) lineto: (23.35,-44.05). lineto: (21.7,-36). hlineto: (18.85,-36). lineto: (20.75,-45.15). lineto: (20.9,-46.6). curveto: (20.9,-47.8)(20.15,-48.6) curveto: (19.4,-49.35)(18.1,-49.35) curveto: (15.8,-49.35)(14.15,-47.25) curveto: (12.95,-45.65)(12.55,-43.7) lineto: (10.9,-36). hlineto: (8.1,-36). lineto: (10.75,-48.95). lineto: (11.2,-51.3). hlineto: (13.85,-51.3). lineto: (13.35,-48.9). hlineto: (13.4,-48.9). curveto: (15.15,-51.65)(18.65,-51.65) curveto: (20.95,-51.65)(22.3,-50.5) moveto: (38.7,-48.2) curveto: (37.65,-49.35)(35.9,-49.35) curveto: (33.65,-49.35)(32.2,-46.9) curveto: (31,-44.8)(31,-42.25) curveto: (31,-40.6)(31.85,-39.5) curveto: (32.8,-38.3)(34.45,-38.3) curveto: (36.55,-38.3)(38,-39.85) curveto: (39.7,-41.75)(39.7,-45.2) curveto: (39.7,-47)(38.7,-48.2) moveto: (11.85,30.9) curveto: (10.6,32.1)(10.15,33.85) hlineto: (18,33.85). lineto: (18.05,32.7). curveto: (18.05,31.35)(17.25,30.5) curveto: (16.4,29.65)(14.85,29.65) curveto: (13.2,29.65)(11.85,30.9) moveto: (19.4,28.9) curveto: (20.9,30.45)(20.9,33.2) lineto: (20.6,36). hlineto: (9.85,36). lineto: (9.75,36.95). curveto: (9.75,41.1)(14.5,41.1) curveto: (16.55,41.1)(18.8,40.15) lineto: (18.35,42.75). lineto: (13.8,43.35). curveto: (6.75,43.35)(6.75,36.45) curveto: (6.75,33)(8.9,30.3) curveto: (11.35,27.35)(15.15,27.35) curveto: (17.9,27.35)(19.4,28.9) moveto: (5.85,27.7) lineto: (-2.9,43). hlineto: (-6.2,43). lineto: (-8.6,27.7). hlineto: (-5.6,27.7). lineto: (-4,40.05). hlineto: (-3.95,40.05). lineto: (2.85,27.7). hlineto: (5.85,27.7). moveto: (74.95,110.5) curveto: (74.95,111.55)(76.3,112.5) lineto: (78.85,114.35). curveto: (80.2,115.65)(80.2,117.45) curveto: (80.2,120)(78.2,121.3) curveto: (76.6,122.35)(74.4,122.35) lineto: (69.95,121.65). lineto: (70.45,119.2). curveto: (72.65,120.1)(74,120.1) curveto: (75.3,120.1)(76.15,119.55) curveto: (77.2,118.9)(77.2,117.7) curveto: (77.2,116.65)(75.85,115.65) lineto: (73.3,113.75). curveto: (71.95,112.5)(71.95,110.85) curveto: (71.95,108.65)(73.9,107.35) curveto: (75.5,106.35)(77.75,106.35) curveto: (79.65,106.35)(81.7,107.2) lineto: (80.9,109.4). curveto: (79.3,108.65)(77.8,108.65) curveto: (74.95,108.65)(74.95,110.5) moveto: (65.95,107.5) curveto: (67.4,108.8)(67.4,111.15) lineto: (67,113.95). lineto: (65.35,122). hlineto: (62.5,122). lineto: (64.4,112.85). lineto: (64.55,111.4). curveto: (64.55,110.2)(63.8,109.4) curveto: (63.1,108.7)(62,108.65) hlineto: (61.75,108.65). curveto: (59.45,108.65)(57.8,110.75) curveto: (56.6,112.35)(56.2,114.3) lineto: (54.55,122). hlineto: (51.75,122). lineto: (54.4,109.05). lineto: (54.85,106.7). hlineto: (57.5,106.7). lineto: (57,109.1). hlineto: (57.05,109.1). curveto: (58.7,106.45)(62,106.35) hlineto: (62.3,106.35). curveto: (64.6,106.35)(65.95,107.5) moveto: (41.35,108.65) curveto: (40.05,108.65)(39,109.25) curveto: (37.95,109.85)(37.15,111) curveto: (35.75,113.1)(35.75,115.75) curveto: (35.75,117.7)(36.75,118.8) curveto: (37.55,119.85)(39,120.05) lineto: (39.7,120.1). curveto: (42,120.1)(43.7,117.85) curveto: (45.25,115.75)(45.25,113.05) curveto: (45.25,111.2)(44.3,109.95) curveto: (43.2,108.65)(41.35,108.65) moveto: (46.45,108.15) curveto: (48.25,109.9)(48.25,113.05) curveto: (48.25,117.1)(46.05,119.65) curveto: (43.7,122.35)(39.7,122.35) hlineto: (39,122.35). curveto: (36.3,122.15)(34.7,120.65) curveto: (32.75,118.9)(32.75,115.55) curveto: (32.75,111.55)(35,109.05) curveto: (36.6,107.25)(39,106.65) lineto: (41.5,106.35). curveto: (44.6,106.35)(46.45,108.15) moveto: (29.3,106.7) lineto: (26.05,122). hlineto: (23.25,122). lineto: (26.45,106.7). hlineto: (29.3,106.7). moveto: (21.55,109) hlineto: (17.35,109). lineto: (15.95,115.55). curveto: (15.45,117.65)(15.45,118.45) curveto: (15.45,120.1)(17.5,120.1) lineto: (19.5,119.7). lineto: (19.1,122.05). lineto: (16.3,122.35). curveto: (14.45,122.35)(13.5,121.3) curveto: (12.65,120.35)(12.65,118.95) curveto: (12.65,118)(13.2,115.35) lineto: (14.5,109). hlineto: (11.15,109). lineto: (11.6,106.7). hlineto: (15,106.7). lineto: (15.75,103.15). lineto: (18.75,102.1). lineto: (17.8,106.7). hlineto: (22,106.7). lineto: (21.55,109). moveto: (27.7,100.1) hlineto: (30.9,100.1). lineto: (30.2,103.3). hlineto: (27.05,103.3). lineto: (27.7,100.1). moveto: (5.35,108.65) curveto: (2.7,108.65)(1.1,110.65) curveto: (-0.55,112.65)(-0.55,115.55) curveto: (-0.55,120.1)(3.6,120.1) curveto: (5,120.1)(6.7,119.4) lineto: (6.2,122). lineto: (3.25,122.35). curveto: (0.1,122.35)(-1.7,120.7) curveto: (-3.55,119.05)(-3.55,115.95) curveto: (-3.55,111.9)(-1.35,109.25) curveto: (0.95,106.35)(4.8,106.35) lineto: (8.75,106.95). lineto: (8.05,109.35). curveto: (6.7,108.65)(5.35,108.65) moveto: (-52.15,-130.3) hlineto: (-49.5,-130.3). lineto: (-50,-127.9). hlineto: (-49.95,-127.9). curveto: (-48.2,-130.65)(-44.7,-130.65) lineto: (-43.4,-130.4). lineto: (-44.05,-127.9). lineto: (-45.25,-128.2). curveto: (-47.55,-128.2)(-49.2,-126.05) curveto: (-50.45,-124.5)(-50.85,-122.55) lineto: (-52.45,-115). hlineto: (-55.25,-115). lineto: (-52.6,-127.95). lineto: (-52.15,-130.3). moveto: (-78.1,-123.95) curveto: (-78.1,-119.9)(-80.3,-117.35) curveto: (-82.65,-114.65)(-86.65,-114.65) curveto: (-89.85,-114.65)(-91.65,-116.35) curveto: (-93.6,-118.1)(-93.6,-121.45) curveto: (-93.6,-125.45)(-91.35,-127.95) curveto: (-88.95,-130.65)(-84.85,-130.65) curveto: (-81.75,-130.65)(-79.9,-128.85) curveto: (-78.1,-127.1)(-78.1,-123.95) moveto: (-68.9,-130.3) lineto: (-70.8,-121.15). lineto: (-70.95,-119.7). curveto: (-70.95,-118.5)(-70.2,-117.7) curveto: (-69.45,-116.9)(-68.15,-116.9) curveto: (-65.85,-116.9)(-64.2,-119.05) curveto: (-63,-120.65)(-62.55,-122.6) lineto: (-60.95,-130.3). hlineto: (-58.15,-130.3). lineto: (-60.8,-117.35). lineto: (-61.2,-115). hlineto: (-63.85,-115). lineto: (-63.35,-117.45). hlineto: (-63.45,-117.45). curveto: (-65.2,-114.65)(-68.65,-114.65) curveto: (-71,-114.65)(-72.3,-115.85) curveto: (-73.75,-117.1)(-73.75,-119.45) lineto: (-73.4,-122.25). lineto: (-71.7,-130.3). hlineto: (-68.9,-130.3). moveto: (-14.2,-126) curveto: (-15.6,-123.9)(-15.6,-121.25) curveto: (-15.6,-119.3)(-14.6,-118.2) curveto: (-13.6,-116.9)(-11.65,-116.9) curveto: (-9.35,-116.9)(-7.65,-119.15) curveto: (-6.1,-121.25)(-6.1,-123.95) curveto: (-6.1,-125.8)(-7.05,-127.05) curveto: (-8.15,-128.35)(-10,-128.35) curveto: (-12.6,-128.35)(-14.2,-126) moveto: (-3.1,-123.95) curveto: (-3.1,-119.9)(-5.3,-117.35) curveto: (-7.65,-114.65)(-11.65,-114.65) curveto: (-14.85,-114.65)(-16.65,-116.35) curveto: (-18.6,-118.1)(-18.6,-121.45) curveto: (-18.6,-125.45)(-16.35,-127.95) curveto: (-13.95,-130.65)(-9.85,-130.65) curveto: (-6.75,-130.65)(-4.9,-128.85) curveto: (-3.1,-127.1)(-3.1,-123.95) moveto: (-28.25,-126.35) curveto: (-29.9,-124.35)(-29.9,-121.45) curveto: (-29.9,-116.9)(-25.75,-116.9) curveto: (-24.35,-116.9)(-22.65,-117.6) lineto: (-23.15,-115). lineto: (-26.1,-114.65). curveto: (-29.25,-114.65)(-31.05,-116.3) curveto: (-32.9,-117.95)(-32.9,-121.05) curveto: (-32.9,-125.1)(-30.7,-127.75) curveto: (-28.4,-130.65)(-24.55,-130.65) curveto: (-22.35,-130.65)(-20.6,-130.05) lineto: (-21.3,-127.65). curveto: (-22.65,-128.35)(-24,-128.35) curveto: (-26.65,-128.35)(-28.25,-126.35) moveto: (-89.2,-126) curveto: (-90.6,-123.9)(-90.6,-121.25) curveto: (-90.6,-119.3)(-89.6,-118.2) curveto: (-88.6,-116.9)(-86.65,-116.9) curveto: (-84.35,-116.9)(-82.65,-119.15) curveto: (-81.1,-121.25)(-81.1,-123.95) curveto: (-81.1,-125.8)(-82.05,-127.05) curveto: (-83.15,-128.35)(-85,-128.35) curveto: (-87.6,-128.35)(-89.2,-126) moveto: (-89.35,-51.3) lineto: (-88.6,-54.85). lineto: (-85.6,-55.9). lineto: (-86.55,-51.3). hlineto: (-82.35,-51.3). lineto: (-82.8,-49). hlineto: (-87,-49). lineto: (-88.4,-42.45). lineto: (-88.9,-39.55). curveto: (-88.9,-37.9)(-86.85,-37.9) lineto: (-84.85,-38.3). lineto: (-85.25,-35.95). lineto: (-88.05,-35.65). curveto: (-89.9,-35.65)(-90.85,-36.7) curveto: (-91.7,-37.65)(-91.7,-39.05) lineto: (-91.15,-42.65). lineto: (-89.85,-49). hlineto: (-93.2,-49). lineto: (-92.75,-51.3). hlineto: (-89.35,-51.3). moveto: (-34.45,-51.3) lineto: (-37.95,-34.9). curveto: (-38.45,-32.5)(-40.55,-31) curveto: (-42.8,-29.35)(-46.2,-29.35) curveto: (-49.1,-29.35)(-51.3,-30.45) lineto: (-50.7,-32.95). curveto: (-48.15,-31.6)(-45.8,-31.6) curveto: (-41.5,-31.6)(-40.45,-36.1) lineto: (-40.05,-37.75). hlineto: (-40.1,-37.75). curveto: (-41.6,-36)(-44.7,-36) curveto: (-46.9,-36)(-48.55,-37.55) curveto: (-50.35,-39.3)(-50.35,-42.1) curveto: (-50.35,-46.35)(-48.2,-49) curveto: (-46,-51.7)(-42.65,-51.65) curveto: (-38.9,-51.65)(-37.65,-48.6) hlineto: (-37.6,-48.6). lineto: (-37.05,-51.3). hlineto: (-34.45,-51.3). moveto: (-9.3,-51.3) lineto: (-8.55,-54.85). lineto: (-5.55,-55.9). lineto: (-6.5,-51.3). hlineto: (-2.3,-51.3). lineto: (-2.75,-49). hlineto: (-6.95,-49). lineto: (-8.35,-42.45). lineto: (-8.85,-39.55). curveto: (-8.85,-37.9)(-6.8,-37.9) lineto: (-4.8,-38.3). lineto: (-5.2,-35.95). lineto: (-8,-35.65). curveto: (-9.85,-35.65)(-10.8,-36.7) curveto: (-11.65,-37.65)(-11.65,-39.05) lineto: (-11.1,-42.65). lineto: (-9.8,-49). hlineto: (-13.15,-49). lineto: (-12.7,-51.3). hlineto: (-9.3,-51.3). moveto: (-18.6,-50.1) curveto: (-17.1,-48.55)(-17.1,-45.8) curveto: (-17.1,-44.65)(-17.4,-43) hlineto: (-28.15,-43). lineto: (-28.25,-42.05). curveto: (-28.25,-37.9)(-23.5,-37.9) curveto: (-21.45,-37.9)(-19.2,-38.85) lineto: (-19.65,-36.25). lineto: (-24.2,-35.65). curveto: (-31.25,-35.65)(-31.25,-42.55) curveto: (-31.25,-46)(-29.1,-48.7) curveto: (-26.65,-51.65)(-22.85,-51.65) curveto: (-20.1,-51.65)(-18.6,-50.1) moveto: (-73.75,-51.65) curveto: (-71.15,-51.65)(-69.55,-50.6) curveto: (-67.7,-49.35)(-67.7,-46.8) lineto: (-67.95,-44.4). lineto: (-69.55,-36). hlineto: (-72.15,-36). lineto: (-71.65,-38.55). hlineto: (-71.7,-38.55). curveto: (-72.4,-37.2)(-73.75,-36.4) curveto: (-75.1,-35.65)(-76.7,-35.65) curveto: (-78.75,-35.65)(-80.1,-36.7) curveto: (-81.55,-37.85)(-81.55,-39.85) curveto: (-81.55,-45.45)(-72.5,-45.45) lineto: (-70.45,-45.35). lineto: (-70.3,-46.35). curveto: (-70.3,-49.35)(-73.8,-49.35) curveto: (-76.35,-49.35)(-78.5,-48.1) lineto: (-78,-50.9). curveto: (-75.65,-51.65)(-73.75,-51.65) moveto: (-57.85,-51.3) lineto: (-58.35,-48.9). hlineto: (-58.3,-48.9). curveto: (-56.55,-51.65)(-53.05,-51.65) lineto: (-51.75,-51.4). lineto: (-52.4,-48.9). lineto: (-53.6,-49.2). curveto: (-55.9,-49.2)(-57.55,-47.05) curveto: (-58.8,-45.5)(-59.2,-43.55) lineto: (-60.8,-36). hlineto: (-63.6,-36). lineto: (-60.95,-48.95). lineto: (-60.5,-51.3). hlineto: (-57.85,-51.3). moveto: (-46.2,-46.9) curveto: (-47.4,-44.8)(-47.4,-42.25) curveto: (-47.4,-40.6)(-46.55,-39.5) curveto: (-45.6,-38.3)(-43.95,-38.3) curveto: (-41.85,-38.3)(-40.4,-39.85) curveto: (-38.7,-41.75)(-38.7,-45.2) curveto: (-38.7,-47)(-39.7,-48.2) curveto: (-40.75,-49.35)(-42.5,-49.35) curveto: (-44.75,-49.35)(-46.2,-46.9) moveto: (-73.2,-43.35) curveto: (-75.35,-43.35)(-76.7,-42.7) curveto: (-78.55,-41.85)(-78.55,-40) curveto: (-78.55,-39.05)(-77.85,-38.5) curveto: (-77.15,-37.9)(-76.05,-37.9) curveto: (-74.05,-37.9)(-72.6,-39.65) curveto: (-71.35,-41.2)(-71.05,-43.35) hlineto: (-73.2,-43.35). moveto: (-19.95,-46.3) curveto: (-19.95,-47.65)(-20.75,-48.5) curveto: (-21.6,-49.35)(-23.15,-49.35) curveto: (-24.8,-49.35)(-26.15,-48.1) curveto: (-27.4,-46.9)(-27.85,-45.15) hlineto: (-20,-45.15). lineto: (-19.95,-46.3). moveto: (-11.8,24.3) hlineto: (-14.95,24.3). lineto: (-14.3,21.1). hlineto: (-11.1,21.1). lineto: (-11.8,24.3). moveto: (-23.25,23.1) lineto: (-24.2,27.7). hlineto: (-20,27.7). lineto: (-20.45,30). hlineto: (-24.65,30). lineto: (-26.05,36.55). lineto: (-26.55,39.45). curveto: (-26.55,41.1)(-24.5,41.1) lineto: (-22.5,40.7). lineto: (-22.9,43.05). lineto: (-25.7,43.35). curveto: (-27.55,43.35)(-28.5,42.3) curveto: (-29.35,41.35)(-29.35,39.95) lineto: (-28.8,36.35). lineto: (-27.5,30). hlineto: (-30.85,30). lineto: (-30.4,27.7). hlineto: (-27,27.7). lineto: (-26.25,24.15). lineto: (-23.25,23.1). moveto: (-38.45,33.65) lineto: (-38.3,32.65). curveto: (-38.3,29.65)(-41.8,29.65) curveto: (-44.35,29.65)(-46.5,30.9) lineto: (-46,28.1). curveto: (-43.65,27.35)(-41.75,27.35) curveto: (-39.15,27.35)(-37.55,28.4) curveto: (-35.7,29.65)(-35.7,32.2) lineto: (-35.95,34.6). lineto: (-37.55,43). hlineto: (-40.15,43). lineto: (-39.65,40.45). hlineto: (-39.7,40.45). curveto: (-40.4,41.8)(-41.75,42.6) curveto: (-43.1,43.35)(-44.7,43.35) curveto: (-46.75,43.35)(-48.1,42.3) curveto: (-49.55,41.15)(-49.55,39.15) curveto: (-49.55,33.55)(-40.5,33.55) lineto: (-38.45,33.65). moveto: (-12.7,27.7) lineto: (-15.95,43). hlineto: (-18.75,43). lineto: (-15.55,27.7). hlineto: (-12.7,27.7). moveto: (-63.25,33.85) hlineto: (-55.4,33.85). lineto: (-55.35,32.7). curveto: (-55.35,31.35)(-56.15,30.5) curveto: (-57,29.65)(-58.55,29.65) curveto: (-60.2,29.65)(-61.55,30.9) curveto: (-62.8,32.1)(-63.25,33.85) moveto: (-63.65,36.95) curveto: (-63.65,41.1)(-58.9,41.1) curveto: (-56.85,41.1)(-54.6,40.15) lineto: (-55.05,42.75). lineto: (-59.6,43.35). curveto: (-66.65,43.35)(-66.65,36.45) curveto: (-66.65,33)(-64.5,30.3) curveto: (-62.05,27.35)(-58.25,27.35) curveto: (-55.5,27.35)(-54,28.9) curveto: (-52.5,30.45)(-52.5,33.2) curveto: (-52.5,34.35)(-52.8,36) hlineto: (-63.55,36). lineto: (-63.65,36.95). moveto: (-68.45,30.1) lineto: (-69.65,29.8). curveto: (-71.95,29.8)(-73.6,31.95) curveto: (-74.85,33.5)(-75.25,35.45) lineto: (-76.85,43). hlineto: (-79.65,43). lineto: (-77,30.05). lineto: (-76.55,27.7). hlineto: (-73.9,27.7). lineto: (-74.4,30.1). hlineto: (-74.35,30.1). curveto: (-72.6,27.35)(-69.1,27.35) lineto: (-67.8,27.6). lineto: (-68.45,30.1). moveto: (-44.7,36.3) curveto: (-46.55,37.15)(-46.55,39) curveto: (-46.55,39.95)(-45.85,40.5) curveto: (-45.15,41.1)(-44.05,41.1) curveto: (-42.05,41.1)(-40.6,39.35) curveto: (-39.35,37.8)(-39.05,35.65) hlineto: (-41.2,35.65). curveto: (-43.35,35.65)(-44.7,36.3) moveto: (-81.3,27.95) lineto: (-82,30.35). curveto: (-83.35,29.65)(-84.7,29.65) curveto: (-87.35,29.65)(-88.95,31.65) curveto: (-90.6,33.65)(-90.6,36.55) curveto: (-90.6,41.1)(-86.45,41.1) lineto: (-83.35,40.4). lineto: (-83.85,43). lineto: (-86.8,43.35). curveto: (-89.95,43.35)(-91.75,41.7) curveto: (-93.6,40.05)(-93.6,36.95) curveto: (-93.6,32.9)(-91.4,30.25) curveto: (-89.1,27.35)(-85.25,27.35) lineto: (-81.3,27.95). moveto: (-88.5,110.95) curveto: (-90,113.1)(-90,116.05) curveto: (-90,117.75)(-89.05,118.85) curveto: (-88,120.1)(-86.2,120.1) curveto: (-83.9,120.1)(-82.45,117.7) curveto: (-81.1,115.4)(-81.1,112.4) curveto: (-81.1,110.55)(-82,109.6) curveto: (-82.95,108.65)(-84.5,108.65) curveto: (-86.9,108.65)(-88.5,110.95) moveto: (-83.55,106.35) curveto: (-81.05,106.35)(-79.55,108) curveto: (-78.1,109.6)(-78.1,112.15) curveto: (-78.1,116.55)(-80.05,119.35) curveto: (-82.1,122.35)(-85.8,122.35) curveto: (-89.7,122.35)(-90.75,119.7) hlineto: (-90.85,119.7). lineto: (-92.65,128.3). hlineto: (-95.5,128.3). lineto: (-91.95,111.8). lineto: (-91.15,106.7). hlineto: (-88.55,106.7). lineto: (-89,109.05). hlineto: (-88.95,109.05). curveto: (-87.4,106.35)(-83.55,106.35) moveto: (-85.25,185.35) lineto: (-81.3,185.95). lineto: (-82,188.35). curveto: (-83.35,187.65)(-84.7,187.65) curveto: (-87.35,187.65)(-88.95,189.65) curveto: (-90.6,191.65)(-90.6,194.55) curveto: (-90.6,199.1)(-86.45,199.1) lineto: (-83.35,198.4). lineto: (-83.85,201). lineto: (-86.8,201.35). curveto: (-89.95,201.35)(-91.75,199.7) curveto: (-93.6,198.05)(-93.6,194.95) curveto: (-93.6,190.9)(-91.4,188.25) curveto: (-89.1,185.35)(-85.25,185.35) moveto: (-6.8,106.7) lineto: (-9.45,119.65). lineto: (-9.85,122). hlineto: (-12.5,122). lineto: (-12,119.55). hlineto: (-12.1,119.55). curveto: (-13.85,122.35)(-17.3,122.35) curveto: (-19.65,122.35)(-20.95,121.15) curveto: (-22.4,119.9)(-22.4,117.55) lineto: (-22.05,114.75). lineto: (-20.35,106.7). hlineto: (-17.55,106.7). lineto: (-19.45,115.85). lineto: (-19.6,117.3). curveto: (-19.6,118.5)(-18.85,119.3) curveto: (-18.1,120.1)(-16.8,120.1) curveto: (-14.5,120.1)(-12.85,117.95) curveto: (-11.65,116.35)(-11.2,114.4) lineto: (-9.6,106.7). hlineto: (-6.8,106.7). moveto: (-24.5,99.5) lineto: (-28.3,116.95). lineto: (-29.15,122). hlineto: (-31.8,122). lineto: (-31.3,119.65). hlineto: (-31.35,119.65). curveto: (-32.75,122.35)(-36.55,122.35) curveto: (-39.25,122.35)(-40.8,120.45) curveto: (-42.25,118.65)(-42.25,115.95) curveto: (-42.25,112.05)(-40.25,109.35) curveto: (-38,106.35)(-34.3,106.35) curveto: (-30.65,106.35)(-29.4,109.25) hlineto: (-29.35,109.25). lineto: (-27.35,99.5). hlineto: (-24.5,99.5). moveto: (-34.15,108.65) curveto: (-36.5,108.65)(-37.95,111.1) curveto: (-39.25,113.25)(-39.25,115.75) curveto: (-39.25,117.65)(-38.35,118.8) curveto: (-37.4,120.1)(-35.5,120.1) curveto: (-33.1,120.1)(-31.6,117.5) curveto: (-30.35,115.35)(-30.35,112.8) curveto: (-30.35,111)(-31.35,109.8) curveto: (-32.4,108.65)(-34.15,108.65) moveto: (-57.2,111) curveto: (-58.6,113.1)(-58.6,115.75) curveto: (-58.6,117.7)(-57.6,118.8) curveto: (-56.6,120.1)(-54.65,120.1) curveto: (-52.35,120.1)(-50.65,117.85) curveto: (-49.1,115.75)(-49.1,113.05) curveto: (-49.1,111.2)(-50.05,109.95) curveto: (-51.15,108.65)(-53,108.65) curveto: (-55.6,108.65)(-57.2,111) moveto: (-52.85,106.35) curveto: (-49.75,106.35)(-47.9,108.15) curveto: (-46.1,109.9)(-46.1,113.05) curveto: (-46.1,117.1)(-48.3,119.65) curveto: (-50.65,122.35)(-54.65,122.35) curveto: (-57.85,122.35)(-59.65,120.65) curveto: (-61.6,118.9)(-61.6,115.55) curveto: (-61.6,111.55)(-59.35,109.05) curveto: (-56.95,106.35)(-52.85,106.35) moveto: (-62.75,106.6) lineto: (-63.4,109.1). lineto: (-64.6,108.8). curveto: (-66.9,108.8)(-68.55,110.95) curveto: (-69.8,112.5)(-70.2,114.45) lineto: (-71.8,122). hlineto: (-74.6,122). lineto: (-71.95,109.05). lineto: (-71.5,106.7). hlineto: (-68.85,106.7). lineto: (-69.35,109.1). hlineto: (-69.3,109.1). curveto: (-67.55,106.35)(-64.05,106.35) lineto: (-62.75,106.6). moveto: (-63.15,182.3) hlineto: (-66.3,182.3). lineto: (-65.65,179.1). hlineto: (-62.45,179.1). lineto: (-63.15,182.3). moveto: (-64.05,185.7) lineto: (-67.3,201). hlineto: (-70.1,201). lineto: (-66.9,185.7). hlineto: (-64.05,185.7). moveto: (-71.9,178.5) lineto: (-76.65,201). hlineto: (-79.45,201). lineto: (-74.7,178.5). hlineto: (-71.9,178.5). moveto: (-57.6,194.95) curveto: (-57.6,199.1)(-52.85,199.1) curveto: (-50.8,199.1)(-48.55,198.15) lineto: (-49,200.75). lineto: (-53.55,201.35). curveto: (-60.6,201.35)(-60.6,194.45) curveto: (-60.6,191)(-58.45,188.3) curveto: (-56,185.35)(-52.2,185.35) curveto: (-49.45,185.35)(-47.95,186.9) curveto: (-46.45,188.45)(-46.45,191.2) curveto: (-46.45,192.35)(-46.75,194) hlineto: (-57.5,194). lineto: (-57.6,194.95). moveto: (-57.2,191.85) hlineto: (-49.35,191.85). lineto: (-49.3,190.7). curveto: (-49.3,189.35)(-50.1,188.5) curveto: (-50.95,187.65)(-52.5,187.65) curveto: (-54.15,187.65)(-55.5,188.9) curveto: (-56.75,190.1)(-57.2,191.85) moveto: (-38,188.1) hlineto: (-37.95,188.1). curveto: (-36.2,185.35)(-32.7,185.35) curveto: (-30.4,185.35)(-29.05,186.5) curveto: (-27.6,187.8)(-27.6,190.15) lineto: (-28,192.95). lineto: (-29.65,201). hlineto: (-32.5,201). lineto: (-30.6,191.85). lineto: (-30.45,190.4). curveto: (-30.45,189.2)(-31.2,188.4) curveto: (-31.95,187.65)(-33.25,187.65) curveto: (-35.55,187.65)(-37.2,189.75) curveto: (-38.4,191.35)(-38.8,193.3) lineto: (-40.45,201). hlineto: (-43.25,201). lineto: (-40.6,188.05). lineto: (-40.15,185.7). hlineto: (-37.5,185.7). lineto: (-38,188.1). moveto: (-22.7,185.7) hlineto: (-19.3,185.7). lineto: (-18.55,182.15). lineto: (-15.55,181.1). lineto: (-16.5,185.7). hlineto: (-12.3,185.7). lineto: (-12.75,188). hlineto: (-16.95,188). lineto: (-18.35,194.55). lineto: (-18.85,197.45). curveto: (-18.85,199.1)(-16.8,199.1) lineto: (-14.8,198.7). lineto: (-15.2,201.05). lineto: (-18,201.35). curveto: (-19.85,201.35)(-20.8,200.3) curveto: (-21.65,199.35)(-21.65,197.95) lineto: (-21.1,194.35). lineto: (-19.8,188). hlineto: (-23.15,188). lineto: (-22.7,185.7). moveto: (-7.4,189.5) curveto: (-7.4,190.55)(-6.05,191.5) lineto: (-3.5,193.35). curveto: (-2.15,194.65)(-2.15,196.45) curveto: (-2.15,199)(-4.15,200.3) curveto: (-5.75,201.35)(-7.95,201.35) lineto: (-12.4,200.65). lineto: (-11.9,198.2). curveto: (-9.7,199.1)(-8.35,199.1) curveto: (-7.05,199.1)(-6.2,198.55) curveto: (-5.15,197.9)(-5.15,196.7) curveto: (-5.15,195.65)(-6.5,194.65) lineto: (-9.05,192.75). curveto: (-10.4,191.5)(-10.4,189.85) curveto: (-10.4,187.65)(-8.45,186.35) curveto: (-6.85,185.35)(-4.6,185.35) curveto: (-2.7,185.35)(-0.65,186.2) lineto: (-1.45,188.4). curveto: (-3.05,187.65)(-4.55,187.65) curveto: (-7.4,187.65)(-7.4,189.5) moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-60.4,273) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-71.15,273). lineto: (-71.25,273.95). curveto: (-71.25,278.1)(-66.5,278.1) curveto: (-64.45,278.1)(-62.2,277.15) lineto: (-62.65,279.75). lineto: (-67.2,280.35). curveto: (-74.25,280.35)(-74.25,273.45) curveto: (-74.25,270)(-72.1,267.3) curveto: (-69.65,264.35)(-65.85,264.35) curveto: (-63.1,264.35)(-61.6,265.9) curveto: (-60.1,267.45)(-60.1,270.2) curveto: (-60.1,271.35)(-60.4,273) moveto: (-53.05,264.7) lineto: (-52,277). hlineto: (-51.95,277). lineto: (-45.4,264.7). hlineto: (-42,264.7). lineto: (-40.95,277). hlineto: (-40.9,277). lineto: (-34.55,264.7). hlineto: (-31.4,264.7). lineto: (-39.75,280). hlineto: (-43,280). lineto: (-44.2,267.7). hlineto: (-44.25,267.7). lineto: (-50.85,280). hlineto: (-54.2,280). lineto: (-55.9,264.7). hlineto: (-53.05,264.7). moveto: (-78.3,269.15) lineto: (-78.7,271.95). lineto: (-80.35,280). hlineto: (-83.2,280). lineto: (-81.3,270.85). lineto: (-81.15,269.4). curveto: (-81.15,268.2)(-81.9,267.4) curveto: (-82.65,266.65)(-83.95,266.65) curveto: (-86.25,266.65)(-87.9,268.75) curveto: (-89.1,270.35)(-89.5,272.3) lineto: (-91.15,280). hlineto: (-93.95,280). lineto: (-91.3,267.05). lineto: (-90.85,264.7). hlineto: (-88.2,264.7). lineto: (-88.7,267.1). hlineto: (-88.65,267.1). curveto: (-86.9,264.35)(-83.4,264.35) curveto: (-81.1,264.35)(-79.75,265.5) curveto: (-78.3,266.8)(-78.3,269.15) moveto: (-70.85,270.85) hlineto: (-63,270.85). lineto: (-62.95,269.7). curveto: (-62.95,268.35)(-63.75,267.5) curveto: (-64.6,266.65)(-66.15,266.65) curveto: (-67.8,266.65)(-69.15,267.9) curveto: (-70.4,269.1)(-70.85,270.85) moveto: (-20.3,265.2) lineto: (-21.1,267.4). curveto: (-22.7,266.65)(-24.2,266.65) curveto: (-27.05,266.65)(-27.05,268.5) curveto: (-27.05,269.55)(-25.7,270.5) lineto: (-23.15,272.35). curveto: (-21.8,273.65)(-21.8,275.45) curveto: (-21.8,278)(-23.8,279.3) curveto: (-25.4,280.35)(-27.6,280.35) lineto: (-32.05,279.65). lineto: (-31.55,277.2). curveto: (-29.35,278.1)(-28,278.1) curveto: (-26.7,278.1)(-25.85,277.55) curveto: (-24.8,276.9)(-24.8,275.7) curveto: (-24.8,274.65)(-26.15,273.65) lineto: (-28.7,271.75). curveto: (-30.05,270.5)(-30.05,268.85) curveto: (-30.05,266.65)(-28.1,265.35) curveto: (-26.5,264.35)(-24.25,264.35) curveto: (-22.35,264.35)(-20.3,265.2) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 67 tag 35 [0.025 0.000] [0.000 0.025] [550.400 240.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 116 file offset 0x54ab -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.921 0.387] [-0.387 -0.921] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.276 0.116] [-0.116 -0.276] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.265 0.140] [-0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.097 -0.284] [0.284 0.097] [690.950 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.252 0.163] [-0.163 -0.252] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.097 -0.284] [0.284 0.097] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 294.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 254.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 206.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 152.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 133.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [379.550 315.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.063 0.000] [0.000 0.063] [553.600 229.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 117 file offset 0x5586 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.839 -0.542] [0.542 -0.839] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.252 -0.163] [0.163 -0.252] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.265 -0.140] [0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.289 -0.078] [0.078 0.289] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.276 -0.116] [0.116 -0.276] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.289 -0.078] [0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 281.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 241.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 196.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 123.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [354.200 320.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.099 0.000] [0.000 0.099] [556.600 218.600] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 118 file offset 0x5652 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.022 -1.000] [1.000 -0.022] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.007 -0.300] [0.300 -0.007] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.033 -0.298] [0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.227 0.195] [-0.195 0.227] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.059 -0.294] [0.294 -0.059] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.227 0.195] [-0.195 0.227] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 269.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 229.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 188.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [327.750 325.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.133 0.000] [0.000 0.133] [559.450 208.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 119 file offset 0x570d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.812 -0.581] [0.581 0.812] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.244 -0.174] [0.174 0.244] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.227 -0.195] [0.195 0.227] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.033 0.298] [-0.298 -0.033] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.209 -0.214] [0.214 0.209] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.033 0.298] [-0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 260.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 219.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 45 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 182.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [299.950 330.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.164 0.000] [0.000 0.164] [562.100 199.650] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 120 file offset 0x57ca -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.937 0.346] [-0.346 0.937] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.281 0.104] [-0.104 0.281] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.289 0.078] [-0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.265 0.140] [-0.140 -0.265] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.295 0.052] [-0.052 0.295] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.265 0.140] [-0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 252.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 43 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 211.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [270.450 333.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.194 0.000] [0.000 0.194] [564.600 191.100] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 121 file offset 0x5878 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.239 0.970] [-0.970 0.239] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.072 0.291] [-0.291 0.072] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.097 0.284] [-0.284 0.097] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.265 -0.140] [0.140 -0.265] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.122 0.274] [-0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.265 -0.140] [0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 245.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [239.650 333.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.221 0.000] [0.000 0.221] [566.850 183.200] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 122 file offset 0x5917 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.666 0.744] [-0.744 -0.666] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.200 0.223] [-0.223 -0.200] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.180 0.240] [-0.240 -0.180] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.033 -0.298] [0.298 -0.033] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.157 0.255] [-0.255 -0.157] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.033 -0.298] [0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 41 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 240.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [207.650 331.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.246 0.000] [0.000 0.246] [569.000 175.900] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 123 file offset 0x59b6 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.991 -0.131] [0.131 -0.991] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.297 -0.039] [0.039 -0.297] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.300 -0.013] [0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.227 -0.195] [0.195 0.227] [691.050 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.300 0.013] [-0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.227 -0.195] [0.195 0.227] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [175.100 322.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.269 0.000] [0.000 0.269] [570.900 169.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 124 file offset 0x5a45 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.447 -0.893] [0.893 -0.447] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.134 -0.268] [0.268 -0.134] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.157 -0.255] [0.255 -0.157] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.289 0.078] [-0.078 0.289] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.180 -0.240] [0.240 -0.180] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.289 0.078] [-0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [142.800 311.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.290 0.000] [0.000 0.290] [572.650 163.150] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 125 file offset 0x5ad6 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.485 -0.873] [0.873 0.485] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.146 -0.262] [0.262 0.146] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.122 -0.274] [0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.097 0.284] [-0.284 0.097] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.097 -0.284] [0.284 0.097] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.097 0.284] [-0.284 0.097] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [112.450 293.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.309 0.000] [0.000 0.309] [574.250 157.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 126 file offset 0x5b67 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.996 -0.088] [0.088 0.996] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.299 -0.026] [0.026 0.299] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.295 -0.052] [0.052 0.295] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.180 0.240] [-0.240 -0.180] [690.950 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.289 -0.078] [0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.180 0.240] [-0.240 -0.180] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [82.650 272.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.325 0.000] [0.000 0.325] [575.650 153.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 127 file offset 0x5bf6 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.633 0.772] [-0.772 0.633] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.190 0.232] [-0.232 0.190] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.209 0.214] [-0.214 0.209] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.300 -0.013] [0.013 -0.300] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.227 0.195] [-0.195 0.227] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.300 -0.013] [0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [55.650 245.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.340 0.000] [0.000 0.340] [576.850 148.800] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 128 file offset 0x5c85 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.284 0.958] [-0.958 -0.284] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.085 0.287] [-0.287 -0.085] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.059 0.294] [-0.294 -0.059] [655.950 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.157 -0.255] [0.255 -0.157] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.033 0.298] [-0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.157 -0.255] [0.255 -0.157] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [31.200 215.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.352 0.000] [0.000 0.352] [577.900 145.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 129 file offset 0x5d16 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.952 0.302] [-0.302 -0.952] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.286 0.090] [-0.090 -0.286] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.276 0.116] [-0.116 -0.276] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.122 -0.274] [0.274 0.122] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.265 0.140] [-0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.122 -0.274] [0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [9.300 181.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.362 0.000] [0.000 0.362] [578.750 142.300] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 130 file offset 0x5da7 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.786 -0.616] [0.616 -0.786] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.236 -0.185] [0.185 -0.236] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.252 -0.163] [0.163 -0.252] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.295 -0.052] [0.052 0.295] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.265 -0.140] [0.140 -0.265] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.295 -0.052] [0.052 0.295] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 53 move [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [-10.500 145.500] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 67 move [0.370 0.000] [0.000 0.370] [579.400 140.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 131 file offset 0x5e38 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.066 -0.998] [0.998 0.066] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.020 -0.299] [0.299 0.020] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.007 -0.300] [0.300 -0.007] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.209 0.214] [-0.214 0.209] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.033 -0.298] [0.298 -0.033] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.209 0.214] [-0.214 0.209] [655.900 27.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 132 file offset 0x5ea9 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.862 -0.504] [0.504 0.862] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.259 -0.151] [0.151 0.259] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.244 -0.174] [0.174 0.244] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.059 0.294] [-0.294 -0.059] [691.050 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.227 -0.195] [0.195 0.227] [655.950 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.059 0.294] [-0.294 -0.059] [655.950 27.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 133 file offset 0x5f1d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.903 0.427] [-0.427 0.903] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.271 0.128] [-0.128 0.271] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.281 0.104] [-0.104 0.281] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.276 0.116] [-0.116 -0.276] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.289 0.078] [-0.078 0.289] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.276 0.116] [-0.116 -0.276] [655.900 27.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 134 file offset 0x5f91 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.153 0.988] [-0.988 0.153] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.046 0.296] [-0.296 0.046] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.072 0.291] [-0.291 0.072] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.252 -0.163] [0.163 -0.252] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.097 0.284] [-0.284 0.097] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.252 -0.163] [0.163 -0.252] [655.900 27.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 135 file offset 0x6005 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.729 0.682] [-0.682 -0.729] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.219 0.205] [-0.205 -0.219] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.200 0.223] [-0.223 -0.200] [655.850 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [-0.007 -0.300] [0.300 -0.007] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.180 0.240] [-0.240 -0.180] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [-0.007 -0.300] [0.300 -0.007] [655.900 27.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 136 file offset 0x6077 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.975 -0.217] [0.217 -0.975] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.293 -0.065] [0.065 -0.293] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.297 -0.039] [0.039 -0.297] [655.850 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.244 -0.174] [0.174 0.244] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.300 -0.013] [0.013 -0.300] [655.900 27.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.244 -0.174] [0.174 0.244] [655.900 27.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 137 file offset 0x60ea -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [-0.367 -0.929] [0.929 -0.367] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [-0.110 -0.279] [0.279 -0.110] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [-0.134 -0.268] [0.268 -0.134] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.281 0.104] [-0.104 0.281] [691.000 26.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [-0.157 -0.255] [0.255 -0.157] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.281 0.104] [-0.104 0.281] [655.900 27.700] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 138 file offset 0x615e -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 67 tagDoAction action code 0x81 has length 2 gotoFrame 139 action code 0x06 play action code 0x00 tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [0.560 -0.827] [0.827 0.560] [60.000 58.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 8 move [0.168 -0.248] [0.248 0.168] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 13 move [0.146 -0.262] [0.262 0.146] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 18 move [0.072 0.291] [-0.291 0.072] [691.000 26.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 23 move [0.122 -0.274] [0.274 0.122] [655.900 27.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 28 move [0.072 0.291] [-0.291 0.072] [655.900 27.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 139 file offset 0x61e3 -----> tagRemoveObject2 depth 12 tagRemoveObject2 depth 13 tagRemoveObject2 depth 17 tagRemoveObject2 depth 23 tagRemoveObject2 depth 27 tagRemoveObject2 depth 32 tagRemoveObject2 depth 39 tagRemoveObject2 depth 41 tagRemoveObject2 depth 43 tagRemoveObject2 depth 45 tagRemoveObject2 depth 47 tagRemoveObject2 depth 49 tagRemoveObject2 depth 51 tagRemoveObject2 depth 53 tagRemoveObject2 depth 59 tagRemoveObject2 depth 65 tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 1 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [60.350 57.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 5 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [59.850 57.600] tagDefineShape tagid 36 Number of fill styles 6 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffff0c8 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffcc66 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (-6.25,154.9) FillStyle0: 2 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) lineto: (3.45,153.65). lineto: (1.35,154.1). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) curveto: (11.45,152.3)(-3.95,154.55) lineto: (-6.25,154.9). FillStyle0: 3 (3 bits) lineto: (-7.05,155). lineto: (-21.8,156.9). lineto: (-25.35,157.35). FillStyle1: 5 (3 bits) lineto: (-34.55,158.55). FillStyle1: 1 (3 bits) lineto: (-4.3,154.9). curveto: (-28,159.5)(-50.45,160.85) FillStyle1: 4 (3 bits) lineto: (-77.5,164.25). lineto: (-138.7,168.5). curveto: (-232.25,172.95)(-315.9,163.55) FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (-315.9,171.15). curveto: (-204.4,182.3)(-90.6,168.9) lineto: (-90.05,168.85). lineto: (-68.25,166). curveto: (-33.55,161.2)(1.35,154.1) moveto: (-315.9,59.9) FillStyle0: 6 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 5 (3 bits) curveto: (-228.5,152.6)(-97.5,159.8) lineto: (-104.15,159). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) curveto: (-234.25,141.65)(-316.25,-3.5) vlineto: (-316.25,59.5). lineto: (-315.9,59.9). FillStyle0: 5 (3 bits) lineto: (-315.95,156.85). FillStyle1: 4 (3 bits) curveto: (-238.75,171.2)(-67.75,161.35) FillStyle1: 1 (3 bits) lineto: (-97.5,159.8). curveto: (-67.2,161.45)(-34.55,158.55) moveto: (-104.15,159) FillStyle0: 0 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 5 (3 bits) lineto: (-97.15,159.45). curveto: (-62.8,161.3)(-25.35,157.35) moveto: (-50.45,160.85) FillStyle0: 4 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (3 bits) lineto: (-67.75,161.35). moveto: (-315.9,163.55) FillStyle0: 0 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 4 (3 bits) lineto: (-315.95,156.85). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 6 move tag 36 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 178.650] tagDefineShape tagid 37 Number of fill styles 4 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffcccccc Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffcc66 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (215.35,168.1) FillStyle0: 4 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,181.05). hlineto: (215.55,181.05). vlineto: (215.55,-91). hlineto: (215.35,-91). vlineto: (215.35,-29). FillStyle1: 1 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,-26.95). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,0.95). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,3). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,30.95). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,33.05). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,60.95). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,63.05). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,90.95). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,93.05). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,121). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,123.1). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,136). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,138.05). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,150.95). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,153.05). FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,166). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,168.1). FillStyle0: 0 (3 bits) hlineto: (-84.2,168.1). lineto: (-84.55,168.15). lineto: (-79.4,165.6). vlineto: (-79.4,165.95). hlineto: (-67.9,165.95). lineto: (-68.25,166). hlineto: (215.35,166). moveto: (215.35,-26.95) FillStyle1: 1 (3 bits) hlineto: (214.25,-26.95). vlineto: (214.25,-29). hlineto: (215.35,-29). moveto: (215.35,33.05) FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) hlineto: (193.25,33.05). vlineto: (193.25,30.95). hlineto: (215.35,30.95). moveto: (215.35,3) hlineto: (202.15,3). vlineto: (202.15,0.95). hlineto: (215.35,0.95). moveto: (215.35,63.05) hlineto: (178.15,63.05). lineto: (180.05,60.95). hlineto: (215.35,60.95). moveto: (215.35,93.05) hlineto: (160.15,93.05). lineto: (161.3,90.95). hlineto: (215.35,90.95). moveto: (215.35,153.05) hlineto: (9.45,153.05). lineto: (23.25,150.95). hlineto: (215.35,150.95). moveto: (4.95,153.4) FillStyle0: 2 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) curveto: (5.75,153.25)(4.95,153.35) vlineto: (4.95,153.4). moveto: (215.35,123.1) FillStyle0: 0 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) hlineto: (129.75,123.1). lineto: (133.15,121). hlineto: (215.35,121). moveto: (215.35,138.05) hlineto: (81.9,138.05). lineto: (88.05,136). hlineto: (215.35,136). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 7 move tag 37 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [315.450 179.000] tagDefineShape tagid 38 Number of fill styles 5 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffdcdcdc Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fff7c851 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffadb8c Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX fffdecc8 Number of line styles 0 moveto: (305.3,-169.05) FillStyle0: 1 (3 bits) hlineto: (314.35,-169.05). vlineto: (314.35,-179). hlineto: (305.3,-179). vlineto: (305.3,-169.05). moveto: (305.25,-169.05) FillStyle0: 0 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) hlineto: (-192.8,-169.05). curveto: (-195.65,-174.2)(-199.4,-178.95) hlineto: (305.25,-178.95). vlineto: (305.25,-169.05). moveto: (305.2,181.05) FillStyle0: 1 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) hlineto: (314.4,181.05). vlineto: (314.4,-133.8). hlineto: (305.2,-133.8). FillStyle1: 3 (3 bits) vlineto: (305.2,181.05). FillStyle0: 0 (3 bits) hlineto: (257.25,181.05). lineto: (257.35,-133.8). hlineto: (305.2,-133.8). moveto: (314.35,-146.85) FillStyle1: 2 (3 bits) hlineto: (-184.8,-146.85). curveto: (-185.85,-152.3)(-187.6,-157.45) lineto: (314.45,-157.35). lineto: (314.35,-146.85). moveto: (215.35,-130.95) lineto: (-182.75,-131.1). lineto: (-183.45,-132.4). vlineto: (-183.45,-133.95). hlineto: (215.4,-133.95). vlineto: (215.4,-133.85). FillStyle1: 5 (3 bits) hlineto: (231.1,-133.85). vlineto: (231.1,-133.8). FillStyle1: 4 (3 bits) hlineto: (257.2,-133.8). vlineto: (257.2,181.05). hlineto: (231.1,181.05). FillStyle1: 5 (3 bits) hlineto: (215.35,181.05). vlineto: (215.35,155.6). hlineto: (215.45,155.6). vlineto: (215.45,148.3). hlineto: (215.35,148.3). vlineto: (215.35,-130.95). FillStyle0: 2 (3 bits) vlineto: (215.35,-133.85). hlineto: (215.4,-133.85). moveto: (231.1,181.05) FillStyle0: 5 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 4 (3 bits) vlineto: (231.1,-133.8). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 8 move tag 38 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [316.500 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 9 tag 2 [0.583 0.000] [0.000 0.583] [511.850 282.100] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 16 tag 32 [1.020 0.000] [0.000 1.020] [521.050 -2.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 18 move tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 240.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 20 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 211.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 22 move tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 182.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 24 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 152.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 26 tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.550 123.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 7 depth 28 move tag 7 [0.400 0.000] [0.000 0.400] [532.600 94.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 34 tag 34 [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [530.150 329.800] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 40 tag 33 [0.600 0.000] [0.000 0.600] [530.300 300.350] tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 42 tag 35 [0.370 0.000] [0.000 0.370] [579.400 140.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 140 file offset 0x6583 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 184.850] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [319.150 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 141 file offset 0x6599 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 190.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [323.750 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 142 file offset 0x65af -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 196.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [329.200 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 143 file offset 0x65c5 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 201.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [335.550 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 144 file offset 0x65db -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 206.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [342.800 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 145 file offset 0x65f1 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 210.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [350.950 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 146 file offset 0x6607 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 214.900] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [359.950 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 147 file offset 0x661d -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 218.700] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [369.800 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 148 file offset 0x6633 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 222.150] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [380.600 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 149 file offset 0x6649 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 225.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [392.250 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 150 file offset 0x665f -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 228.050] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [404.800 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 151 file offset 0x6675 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 230.450] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [418.200 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 152 file offset 0x668b -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 232.550] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [432.500 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 153 file offset 0x66a1 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 234.250] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [447.700 179.000] tagDefineShape2 -> tagDefineShape tagid 39 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ffffffff moveto: (-81.95,37.7) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-80.9,37.7). vlineto: (-80.9,37.25). FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (-80.9,36.8). FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 hlineto: (-81.95,36.8). vlineto: (-81.95,37.7). moveto: (82.4,37.25) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (82.4,36.8). hlineto: (-80.9,36.8). moveto: (-80.9,37.25) LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (82.4,37.25). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ffffffff moveto: (-81.95,42.7) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-80.9,42.7). vlineto: (-80.9,42.25). FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (-80.9,41.8). FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 hlineto: (-81.95,41.8). vlineto: (-81.95,42.7). moveto: (82.4,42.25) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (82.4,41.8). hlineto: (-80.9,41.8). moveto: (-80.9,42.25) LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (82.4,42.25). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ffffffff moveto: (-81.3,47.35) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-80.25,47.35). vlineto: (-80.25,46.9). FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (-80.25,46.45). FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 hlineto: (-81.3,46.45). vlineto: (-81.3,47.35). moveto: (83.05,46.9) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (83.05,46.45). hlineto: (-80.25,46.45). moveto: (-80.25,46.9) LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (83.05,46.9). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ffffffff moveto: (-81.3,52.35) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-80.25,52.35). vlineto: (-80.25,51.9). FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (-80.25,51.45). FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 hlineto: (-81.3,51.45). vlineto: (-81.3,52.35). moveto: (83.05,51.9) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (83.05,51.45). hlineto: (-80.25,51.45). moveto: (-80.25,51.9) LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (83.05,51.9). moveto: (0,0) FillStyle0: 0 (1 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 0 Found more Style info Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ffffffff moveto: (-82,58.1) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) hlineto: (-80.95,58.1). vlineto: (-80.95,57.65). FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) vlineto: (-80.95,57.2). FillStyle1: 0 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 hlineto: (-82,57.2). vlineto: (-82,58.1). moveto: (82.35,57.65) FillStyle0: 1 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (82.35,57.2). hlineto: (-80.95,57.2). moveto: (-80.95,57.65) LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (82.35,57.65). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 47 tag 39 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [723.400 11.750] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 154 file offset 0x67b2 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 6 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [314.450 235.650] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [463.800 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [718.650 11.750] tagDefineShape tagid 40 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ffffffff moveto: (-81.95,37.7) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (-81.95,36.8). hlineto: (82.4,36.8). vlineto: (82.4,37.25). LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (-80.9,37.25). vlineto: (-80.9,37.7). hlineto: (-81.95,37.7). moveto: (-81.95,42.7) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (-81.95,41.8). hlineto: (82.4,41.8). vlineto: (82.4,42.25). LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (-80.9,42.25). vlineto: (-80.9,42.7). hlineto: (-81.95,42.7). moveto: (-81.3,47.35) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (-81.3,46.45). hlineto: (83.05,46.45). vlineto: (83.05,46.9). LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (-80.25,46.9). vlineto: (-80.25,47.35). hlineto: (-81.3,47.35). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 48 tag 40 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-100.550 309.600] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 155 file offset 0x682e -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [480.750 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [711.750 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-68.500 309.600] tagDefineShape tagid 41 Number of fill styles 1 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ffffffff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ffffffff moveto: (-81.95,42.7) FillStyle1: 1 (1 bits) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (-81.95,41.8). hlineto: (82.4,41.8). vlineto: (82.4,42.25). LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (-80.9,42.25). vlineto: (-80.9,42.7). hlineto: (-81.95,42.7). moveto: (-81.95,37.7) LineStyle: 1 vlineto: (-81.95,36.8). hlineto: (82.4,36.8). vlineto: (82.4,37.25). LineStyle: 0 hlineto: (-80.9,37.25). vlineto: (-80.9,37.7). hlineto: (-81.95,37.7). End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 49 tag 41 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [729.750 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 156 file offset 0x6899 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [498.550 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [702.750 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-39.550 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [709.250 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 157 file offset 0x68c3 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [517.300 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [691.650 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [-13.750 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [690.100 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 158 file offset 0x68ed -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [536.900 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [678.450 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [8.950 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [672.350 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 159 file offset 0x6917 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [559.200 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [663.100 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [28.500 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [655.850 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 160 file offset 0x6941 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [581.550 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [645.650 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [44.950 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [640.750 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 161 file offset 0x696b -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [603.850 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [626.100 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [58.250 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [627.000 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 162 file offset 0x6995 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [626.150 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 47 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [604.400 11.750] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [68.400 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [614.550 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 163 file offset 0x69bf -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [648.500 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 48 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [75.450 309.600] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [603.500 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 164 file offset 0x69df -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [670.800 179.000] tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 49 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [593.750 314.250] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 165 file offset 0x69f5 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [693.150 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 166 file offset 0x6a01 -----> tagPlaceObject2 flags 5 depth 7 move [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [715.450 179.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 167 file offset 0x6a0d -----> tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 168 file offset 0x6a0f -----> tagDoAction action code 0x83 has length 18 getUrl noflashindex.htm target action code 0x00 tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 169 file offset 0x6a2d -----> tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 170 file offset 0x6a2f -----> tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 171 file offset 0x6a31 -----> tagEnd ***** Finished Dumping SWF File Information *****