----- Reading the file header ----- FWS File version 3 File size 206 Movie width 550 Movie height 400 Frame rate 12 Frame count 1 ----- Reading movie details ----- <----- dumping frame 0 file offset 0x0015 -----> tagSetBackgroundColor RGB_HEX ffffff tagDefineShape tagid 1 Number of fill styles 4 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff006600 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff999999 Gradient Fill with 2 colors color:0: at:0 RGBA:ffffffff color:1: at:255 RGBA:ff000000 Gradient Matrix: [0.107 0.000] [0.000 0.107] [196.000 195.000] Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff0066ff Number of line styles 1 Line style 1 width 1 color RGB_HEX ff000000 moveto: (404,48) FillStyle1: 4 (3 bits) LineStyle: 1 curveto: (434.65,48)(456.3,69.95) curveto: (478,91.95)(478,123) curveto: (478,154.05)(456.3,176) curveto: (434.65,198)(404,198) curveto: (373.35,198)(351.65,176) curveto: (330,154.05)(330,123) curveto: (330,91.95)(351.65,69.95) curveto: (373.35,48)(404,48) moveto: (204,147) FillStyle0: 3 (3 bits) FillStyle1: 0 (3 bits) curveto: (175.4,147)(155.2,166.45) curveto: (135,185.95)(135,213.5) curveto: (135,241.05)(155.2,260.5) curveto: (175.4,280)(204,280) curveto: (232.6,280)(252.8,260.5) curveto: (273,241.05)(273,213.5) curveto: (273,185.95)(252.8,166.45) curveto: (232.6,147)(204,147) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 1 tag 1 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 1 file offset 0x00cc -----> tagEnd ***** Finished Dumping SWF File Information *****