----- Reading the file header ----- FWS File version 4 File size 62798 Movie width 550 Movie height 400 Frame rate 12 Frame count 1 ----- Reading movie details ----- <----- dumping frame 0 file offset 0x0015 -----> tagSetBackgroundColor RGB_HEX ffffff tagDefineBitsJPEG2 tagid 1 tagDefineShape tagid 2 Number of fill styles 2 Solid Color Fill RGB_HEX ff000000 Bitmap Fill: 0001 [3.629 0.000] [0.000 3.629] [369.750 82.000] Number of line styles 0 moveto: (199.25,70.5) FillStyle0: 2 (2 bits) FillStyle1: 1 (2 bits) curveto: (156.85,69.95)(133.45,106) lineto: (132.55,107.15). curveto: (133.3,63.85)(87.5,68.4) curveto: (73.9,69.45)(64.1,79.15) curveto: (40.2,102.95)(65.25,131.75) lineto: (67.75,131.15). lineto: (67.65,138.25). lineto: (65.75,136.5). curveto: (9.3,166.75)(36.3,226.8) curveto: (54.7,267.8)(99.05,260.2) curveto: (133.25,254.55)(135.9,219.4) curveto: (136.5,211.65)(137.7,204) lineto: (137.85,210.4). lineto: (136.25,228.5). lineto: (138.15,218.7). curveto: (139.1,240.2)(141.95,262.35) curveto: (143.05,271)(151.85,274.15) curveto: (208.3,294.2)(234.05,241.15) curveto: (240.1,228.75)(235.3,215.45) curveto: (221.6,177.6)(182.45,167.75) lineto: (182.7,165.5). curveto: (234.5,167.35)(241.75,120.05) curveto: (244.65,101.1)(231.8,86.65) curveto: (219,72.2)(199.25,70.5) moveto: (220.65,161.7) FillStyle0: 0 (2 bits) curveto: (210.8,167.1)(199.95,168.75) curveto: (251.4,198.7)(232.4,251.45) curveto: (228.5,262.3)(218.9,269.25) curveto: (176.7,299.95)(140.9,266.6) curveto: (135.2,261.35)(134.1,253.3) curveto: (133.2,246.5)(134.45,239.95) curveto: (97.35,286.25)(49.85,250.35) curveto: (31.85,236.7)(26.95,213.95) curveto: (15.55,160.9)(63,132) curveto: (32.95,87.8)(81.5,65.6) curveto: (103,55.75)(122.15,71.15) curveto: (135.95,82.2)(133.7,99.75) curveto: (162.65,58.85)(209.15,68.95) curveto: (264.05,93.85)(235.45,147) curveto: (230.3,156.5)(220.65,161.7) End of shape. tagPlaceObject2 flags 6 depth 1 tag 2 [1.000 0.000] [0.000 1.000] [0.000 0.000] tagShowFrame <----- dumping frame 1 file offset 0xf54c -----> tagEnd ***** Finished Dumping SWF File Information *****