:x:scr Interface Evolution

matt jones jonah@snurfer.org
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 01:16:16 -0800 (PST)

At 22:09 31/10/01 +0000, richard clamp wrote:
>On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 09:59:49PM +0000, Paul Mison wrote:
>> But yeah, by default, there are context menus on Crtl+Click, but as the
>> boy Jones says, you can just hold and click. See that need for two
>> mouse buttons go away.
>And the need for two hands come in.  How can I idly surf for porn if I
>have to use both my hands, tcha.

What you talking about, Willis? Finderpop requires the use of only one
mouse button and one hand - why do you think I always use it? :)

"if XP is dumbed-down to unbearable depths, [RedHat] 7.2 is still bitchy,
unpredictable and high-maintenance, like some upper-middle-class
girlfriend" - Thomas C Greene, The Register